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salve a tutti, Mi presento sono Cesare, erano molti anni che non leggevo su lottoced, e a mia sorpresa vedo proprio una nuova versione di Spaziometria fresca fresca.
Non mi sono mai registrato, ma ho sempre voluto farlo, sono in pensione ed è venuto il momento.

Chiedo scusa in anticipo per il post infinito che mi verrà forse può interessare.

Ho una questione da sottoporre principalmente al mitico LuigiB, (è lui il Sommo Creatore...) ma siete tutti invitati (se volete) a dare consigli per dipanare la questione per il bene di tutti gli interessati. Specialmente quelli che ci hanno provato in passato se ci sono ancora sul forum.
Ho già letto da qualche parte che Spaziometria e il sistema operativo Linux\Ubuntu non vanno daccordo. Palesemente sembra ovvio logico il perchè.
Dato che adesso uso quasi sempre solo Linux, mi era venuta voglia di fare un po di ricerche lotto, tendo a precisare che io non gioco a lotto e lotterie, è solo un passatempo, un hobby come un altro e poi Spaziometria è un bel "giocattolo" per passare il tempo.
Ma cercando e leggendo a più non posso, non ho trovato pressochè nulla a riguardo programmi lotto su linux, sembrano essere quasi tabù, e se ne esiste qualcuno, fa c....e.
Ho letto che con Spaziometria non si può farlo funzionare su Linux!, Ma perchè non si può?

Dato che mi farebbe comodo poterlo usare sotto Linux, anche perchè il pc con Win xp è offline oltre che un po troppo decrepito, aggiornare l'estrazioni off-line non è il massimo della vita, ma fosse solo quello il problema...Poi ho letto che con Win Xp non si può fare tutto con Spaziometria (vedi script) e si ha bisogno di Win 7.

Si lo so, posso virtualizzare e il gioco è fatto.
solo per curiosità vorrei provare ad installarlo su Linux e vedere che succede.

A dirla tutta esiste uno strumento per provarci.
Tralasciando i vari giochi, io so che con WINE, WineTricks e Playonlinux si possono (attualmente) installare molti programmi Windows del calibro della suite Microsoft Office al completo oltre alle numerose e svariate applicazioni cosidette molto più pesanti e complesse di Spaziometria.

Domanda : Perchè con questi programmoni è fattibile e con Spaziometria NO?

Risposta : semplice, perchè Spaziometria non è tra le applicazioni "già" supportate.

Morale della favola : per farla diventare "supportabile", bisogna prima smanettare il minimo necessario. (quello che sto tentando...)

WINE, WineTricks e PlayonLinux sono i mezzi per farlo, si prelevano gli ingredienti, si cucina e poi si apparecchia.
Bisogna solo trovare le giuste impostazioni, abbinata ai giusti componenti e non per ultime le DLL, e un discorso lungo e io non ne sono nemmeno tanto esperto. Ma questa è la via da seguire, anzi l'unica!

La verità esiste un'altra via : usare "Winelib", ma quello spetta esclusivamente a LuigiB.
Winelib è un toolkit di sviluppo che ti permette di compilare le tue applicazioni Windows su Unix.
Inserisco la guida preliminare qui, se ti va Luigi, dagli un occhiata, magari non lo sapevi. Purtroppo è solo in Inglese.
Non mi aspetto nulla, perchè riconosco che è un impresa Megatitanica, ma leggendo i vecchi post ho capito che con te, mai dire mai...
Ma sono realista e non ci credo nemmeno un pò, perchè c'è davvero da consumare i tasti di un paio di tastiere.
Solo per conoscenza quindi.

Guida Winelib :

Winelib User's Guide

Authors: Wilbur Dale; Francois Gouget; André Hentschel; John Sheets

    1 Winelib Introduction
        1.1 What is Winelib?
        1.2 System requirements
        1.3 Getting Started
            1.3.1 Winemaker introduction
            1.3.2 Test Drive
            1.3.3 Step by step guide
    2 Portability issues
        2.1 Unicode
        2.2 C library
        2.3 Compiling Problems
        2.4 Improving Performance
    3 The Winelib development toolkit
        3.1 Winemaker
            3.1.1 Support for Visual C++ projects
            3.1.2 Winemaker source analysis
            3.1.3 The interactive mode
            3.1.4 The Makefile files
        3.2 Compiling resource files: wrc
        3.3 The Spec file
            3.3.1 Introduction
            3.3.2 More details
        3.4 Linking it all together
    4 Dealing with the MFC
        4.1 Introduction
        4.2 Legal issues
        4.3 Compiling the MFC
    5 Building Winelib DLLs
        5.1 Introduction
        5.2 Writing the spec file
        5.3 Writing the wrapper
        5.4 Building
        5.5 Installing
        5.6 Converting filenames

1 Winelib Introduction
1.1 What is Winelib?

Winelib is a development toolkit which allows you to compile your Windows applications on Unix.

Most of Winelib code consists of the Win32 API implementation. Fortunately this part is 100 percent shared with Wine. The remainder consists of Windows compatible headers and tools like the resource compiler (and even these are used when compiling Wine).

Thanks to the above, Winelib supports most C and C++ source code, resource and message files, and can generate graphical or console applications as well as dynamic libraries.

What is not supported is 16-bit source code as the types it depends on (especially segmented pointers) are not supported by Unix compilers. Also missing are some of the more exotic features of Microsoft compilers like native COM support and structured exception handling. So you may need to perform some modifications in your code when recompiling your application with Winelib. This guide is here to help you in this task.

What you gain by recompiling your application with Winelib is the ability to make calls to Unix APIs, directly from your Windows source code. This allows for a better integration with the Unix environment than is allowed by running an unmodified Windows application running in Wine. Another benefit is that a Winelib application can relatively easily be recompiled on a non-Intel architecture and run there without the need for a slow software emulation of the processor.
1.2 System requirements

The requirements for Winelib are similar to those for Wine.

Basically if you can run Wine on your computer then you can run Winelib. But the converse is not true. You can also build Winelib and Winelib applications on platforms not supported by Wine, typically platforms with a non i386 processor. But this is still pretty much uncharted territory. It would be more reasonable to target one of the more mundane i386-based platforms first.

The main difference is that the compiler becomes much more important. It is highly recommended that you use gcc, g++, and the GNU binutils. The more recent your gcc compiler the better. For any serious amount of code you should not consider anything older than gcc 2.95.2. The latest gcc snapshots contain some useful bug fixes and much better support for anonymous structs and unions. This can help reduce the number of changes you have to do in your code but these are not stable releases of the compiler so you may not want to use them in production.
1.3 Getting Started
1.3.1 Winemaker introduction

So what is needed to compile a Windows application with Winelib? Well, it really depends on the complexity of your application but here are some issues that are shared by all applications:

    the case of your files may be bad. For example they could be in all caps: HELLO.C. It's not very nice to work with and probably not what you intended.
    then the case of the filenames in your include statements may be wrong: maybe they include Windows.h instead of windows.h.
    your include statements may use '\' instead of '/'. '\' is not recognized by Unix compilers while '/' is recognized in both environments.
    you will need to perform the usual DOS to Unix text file conversion otherwise you'll get in trouble when the compiler considers that your '\' is not at the end of the line since it is followed by a pesky carriage return.
    you will have to write new makefiles.

The best way to take care of all these issues is to use winemaker.

winemaker is a Perl script which is designed to help you bootstrap the conversion of your Windows projects to Winelib. In order to do this it will go analyze your code, fixing the issues listed above and generate straight Makefiles.

Let's suppose that you are already in the top directory of your sources. Then converting your project to Winelib may be as simple as just running the two commands below (note the dot indicating current directory at the end of the first command):

$ winemaker --lower-uppercase .
$ make

But of course things are not always that simple, which is why we have this guide at all.
1.3.2 Test Drive

Before starting to work on a big project you may want to try to port a small application. The notepad application from the Wine source tree suits well for testing purposes. It can be found in the programs subdirectory. notepad is a simple application, but has a few C, header and resource files.

Run make clean in the notepad source directory if it contains results of previous builds. Create a separate directory with name notepad2, so it won't conflict with the Wine copy of the application. Copy the sources of notepad (*.c, *.h, and *.rc files) to this directory. Now run the commands mentioned above from the notepad2 directory:

$ winemaker --lower-uppercase .
$ make

Notice how it fails linking, because of undefined reference to wnsprintfW. This is because we didn't specify the libraries we need to link to. Normally you know which libraries you need or you can find a list in your old Makefile or project file.

To fix that problem, open notepad2/ in a text editor and search for an assignment to a variable with IMPORTS as part of its name. There will be a list of import libraries. Now run winemaker again, but with these libraries prefixed by -i:

$ winemaker --lower-uppercase -icomdlg32 -ishell32 -ishlwapi -iuser32 -igdi32 -iadvapi32 .
$ make

You are done! Now you can start the application as wine or ./notepad2.exe.

If you come across problems preparing and building this application this probably means that winemaker utility is broken by some changes in Wine. Try asking for help on
1.3.3 Step by step guide

Let's retrace the steps above in more details.

Getting the source

First you should try to get the sources together with the executables/libraries that they build. If you have no Visual C++ project files available winemaker having these around can help it guess what it is that your project is trying to build. Otherwise, it is able to understand Visual C++ projects. Usually the executables and libraries are in a Release or Debug subdirectory of the directory where the sources are. So it's best if you can transfer the source files and either of these directories to Linux. Note that you don't need to transfer the .obj, .pch, .sbr and other files that also reside in these directories; especially as they tend to be quite big.

cd root_dir Then go to the root directory where are your source files. winemaker can deal with a whole directory hierarchy at once so you don't need to go into a leaf directory, quite the contrary. winemaker will automatically generate makefiles in each directory where one is required, and will generate a global makefile so that you can rebuild all your executables and libraries with a single make command.

Making the source writable

Then make sure you have write access to your sources. It may sound obvious, but if you copied your source files from a CD-ROM or if they are in Source Safe on Windows, chances are that they will be read-only. But winemaker needs write access so that it can fix them. You can arrange that by running “chmod -R u+w .”. Also you will want to make sure that you have a backup copy of your sources in case something went horribly wrong, or more likely, just for reference at a later point. If you use a version control system you're already covered.

If you have already modified your source files and you want to make sure that winemaker will not make further changes to them then you can use the --nosource-fix option to protect them.

Running winemaker

Then you'll run winemaker.. Here are the options you will most likely want to use. For a complete list of options see the man page.

--lower-uppercase; --lower-all

These options specify how to deal with files, and directories, that have an 'incorrect' case. --lower-uppercase specifies they should only be renamed if their name is all uppercase. So files that have a mixed case, like Hello.c would not be renamed. --lower-all will rename any file. If neither is specified then no file or directory will be renamed, almost. As you will see later, winemaker may still have to rename some files.


Winemaker normally makes a backup of all the files in which it does more than the standard DOS to Unix conversion. But if you already have (handy) copies of these files elsewhere you may not need these so you should use this option.

--dll; --console

These options lets winemaker know what kind of target you are building. If you have the windows library in your source hierarchy then you should not need to specify --dll. But if you have console executables then you will need to use the corresponding option.


This option tells winemaker that you are building an MFC application/library.

-Dmacro=defn; -Idir; -Ldir; -idll; -llibrary

The -i specifies a Winelib library to import via the spec file mechanism. Contrast this with the -l which specifies a Unix library to link with. The other options work the same way they would with a C compiler. All are applied to all the targets found. When specifying a directory with either -I or -L, winemaker will prefix a relative path with $(TOPDIRECTORY)/ so that it is valid from any of the source directories. You can also use a variable in the path yourself if you wish (but don't forget to escape the '$'). For instance you could specify -I\$(WINELIB_INCLUDE_ROOT)/msvcrt.
So your command may finally look like:

winemaker --lower-uppercase -Imylib/include .

File renaming

When you execute winemaker it will first rename files to bring their character case in line with your expectations and so that they can be processed by the makefiles. This later category implies that files with a non lowercase extension will be renamed so that the extension is in lowercase. So, for instance, HELLO.C will be renamed to HELLO.c. Also if a file or directory name contains a space or a dollar, then this character will be replaced with an underscore. This is because these characters cause problems with current versions of autoconf (2.13) and make (3.79).

Source modifications and makefile generation

winemaker will then proceed to modify the source files so that they will compile more readily with Winelib. As it does so it may print warnings when it has to make a guess or identifies a construct that it cannot correct. Finally it will generate the makefiles. Once all this is done you can review the changes that winemaker did to your files by using diff -uw. For instance: diff -uw hello.c.bak hello.c

Running make

This is a pretty simple step: just type make and voila, you should have all your executables and libraries. If this did not work out, then it means that you will have to read this guide further to:

    review the Makefile files to adjust what winemaker thinks are the binaries you are trying to build and which sources should be used for each. See the Winemaker source analysis section for some hints.
    fix the portability issues in your sources. See Portability issues for more details.

2 Portability issues
2.1 Unicode

The wchar_t type has different standard sizes in Unix (4 bytes) and Windows (2 bytes). You need a recent gcc version (2.9.7 or later) that supports the -fshort-wchar option to set the size of wchar_t to the one expected by Windows applications.

If you are using Unicode and you want to be able to use standard library calls (e.g. wcslen, wsprintf), then you must use the msvcrt runtime library instead of glibc. The functions in glibc will not work correctly with 16-bit strings.
2.2 C library

There are two choices available to you regarding which C library to use: the native glibc C library or the msvcrt C library.

Note that under Wine, the crtdll library is implemented using msvcrt, so there is no benefit in trying to use it.

Using glibc in general has the lowest overhead, but this is really only important for file I/O, as many of the functions in msvcrt are simply resolved to glibc.

To use glibc, you don't need to make changes to your application; it should work straight away. There are a few situations in which using glibc is not possible:

    Your application uses Win32 and C library unicode functions.
    Your application uses MS specific calls like beginthread(), loadlibrary(), etc.
    You rely on the precise semantics of the calls, for example, returning -1 rather than non-zero. More likely, your application will rely on calls like fopen() taking a Windows path rather than a Unix one.

In these cases you should use msvcrt to provide your C runtime calls.

Add -mno-cygwin to your compiler flags. This will cause winebuild to resolve your C library calls to msvcrt.dll.
2.3 Compiling Problems

If you get undefined references to Win32 API calls when building your application: if you have a VC++ .dsp file, check it for all the .lib files it imports, and add them to your applications .spec file. winebuild gives you a warning for unused imports so you can delete the ones you don't need later. Failing that, just import all the DLLs you can find in the dlls/ directory of the Wine source tree.

If you are missing GUIDs at the link stage, add -luuid to the link line.

gcc is more strict than VC++, especially when compiling C++. This may require you to add casts to your C++ to prevent overloading ambiguities between similar types (such as two overloads that take int and char respectively).

If you come across a difference between Windows and Wine headers that breaks compilation, try asking for help on
2.4 Improving Performance

By default, the makefiles created by winemaker may pass the -fpic flag to the compiler, which is the right thing to do for most target files, particularly DLLs. However, this option adds a good deal of overhead and isn't necessary for your "main" executable. You can disable this for the main executable (and only do it for the main executable) by passing the -fno-pic -fno-PIC compiler flags, either in the appropriate makefile rule or a direct compiler command.

Another simple thing you can do to get the best performance from your Winelib app is use a recent version of your compiler. You may be surprised how much of a difference a new compiler release's optimizations and improvements can make.
3 The Winelib development toolkit
3.1 Winemaker
3.1.1 Support for Visual C++ projects

Winemaker supports the Visual C++ project files! Supported filetypes are .dsp, .dsw, .vcproj and .sln. It detects the defines to be used, any custom include path, the list of libraries to link with, and exactly which source files to use to build a specific target.

It is recommended to use Winemaker with a project file if available. If you have to choose between a .dsp file and a .vcproj, then you should use the .dsp, because it offers more information.

The usage is very easy, just replace the path to the source folder with the path to the project file.

$ winemaker --lower-uppercase myproject.vcproj
$ make

3.1.2 Winemaker source analysis

Winemaker can do its work even without a Windows makefile or a Visual Studio project to start from (it would not know what to do with a windows makefile anyway). This involves doing many educated guesses which may be wrong. But by and large it works. The purpose of this section is to describe in more details how winemaker proceeds so that you can better understand why it gets things wrong and how to fix it/avoid it.

At the core winemaker does a recursive traversal of your source tree looking for targets (things to build) and source files. Let's start with the targets.

First are executables and DLLs. Each time it finds one of these in a directory, winemaker puts it in the list of things to build and will later generate a Makefile in this directory. Note that Winemaker also knows about the commonly used Release and Debug directories, so it will attribute the executables and libraries found in these to their parent directory. When it finds an executable or a DLL winemaker is happy because these give it more information than the other cases described below.

If it does not find any executable or DLL winemaker will look for files with a .mak extension. If they are not disguised Visual C++ projects (and currently even if they are), winemaker will assume that a target by that name should be built in this directory. But it will not know whether this target is an executable or a library. So it will assume it is of the default type, i.e. a graphical application, which you can override by using the --cuiexe and --dll options.

Finally winemaker will check to see if there is a file called makefile. If there is, then it will assume that there is exactly one target to build for this directory. But it will not know the name or type of this target. For the type it will do as in the above case. And for the name it will use the directory's name. Actually, if the directory starts with src, winemaker will try to make use of the name of the parent directory instead.

Once the target list for a directory has been established, it will check whether it contains a mix of executables and libraries. If it is so, then it will make it so that each executable is linked with all the libraries of that directory.

If the previous two steps don't produce the expected results (or you think they will not) then you should put winemaker in interactive mode. This will allow you to specify the target list (and more) for each directory.

In each directory winemaker also looks for source files: C, C++ or resource files. If it also found targets to build in this directory it will then try to assign each source file to one of these targets based on their names. Source files that do not seem to match any specific target are put in a global list for this directory, see the EXTRA_xxx variables in the Makefile, and linked with each of the targets. The assumption here is that these source files contain common code which is shared by all the targets. If no targets were found in the directory where these files are located, then they are assigned to the parent's directory. So if a target is found in the parent directory it will also 'inherit' the source files found in its subdirectories.

Finally winemaker also looks for more exotic files like .h headers, .inl files containing inline functions and a few others. These are not put in the regular source file lists since they are not compiled directly. But it will still remember them so that they are processed when the time comes to fix the source files.

Fixing the source files is done as soon as the recursive directory traversal is completed. The two main tasks in this step are fixing the CRLF issues and verifying the case of the include statements.

winemaker makes a backup of each source file (in such a way that symbolic links are preserved), then reads it fixing the CRLF issues and the other issues as it goes. Once it has finished working on a file it checks whether it has done any non CRLF-related modification and deletes the backup file if it did not (or if you used --nobackup).

Checking the case of the include statements (of any form, including files referenced by resource files), is done in the context of that source file's project. This way winemaker can use the proper include path when looking for the file that is included. If winemaker fails to find a file in any of the directories of the include path, it will rename it to lowercase on the basis that it is most likely a system header and that all system headers names are lowercase (this can be overridden by using --nolower-include).

Finally winemaker generates the Makefile files. From the above description you can guess at the items that it may get wrong in this phase: macro definitions, include path, DLL path, DLLs to import, library path, libraries to link with. You can deal with these issues by using winemaker -D, -P, -i, -I, -L and -l options if they are homogeneous enough between all your targets. Otherwise you may want to use winemaker interactive mode so that you can specify different settings for each project / target.

For instance, one of the problems you are likely to encounter is that of the STRICT macro. Some programs will not compile if STRICT is not turned on, and others will not compile if it is. Fortunately all the files in a given source tree use the same setting so that all you have to do is add -DSTRICT on winemaker command line or in the Makefile file(s).

Finally the most likely reasons for missing or duplicate symbols are:

    The target is not importing the right set of DLLs, or is not being linked with the right set of libraries. You can avoid this by using winemaker -P, -i, -L and -l options or adding these DLLs and libraries to the Makefile.
    Maybe you have multiple targets in a single directory and winemaker guessed wrong when trying to match the source files with the targets. The only way to fix this kind of problem is to edit the Makefile file manually.
    Winemaker assumes you have organized your source files hierarchically. If a target uses source files that are in a sibling directory, e.g. if you link with ../hello/world.o then you will get missing symbols. Again the only solution is to manually edit the Makefile file.

3.1.3 The interactive mode

The interactive mode will ask you to confirm or change options while winemaker analyzes your code. This might be useful when compiling MFC or in case you need different settings for each project / target. You should consider adding more options to the following example:

$ winemaker --interactive .
$ make

3.1.4 The Makefile files

The Makefile is your makefile. So this is the file to modify if you want to customize things. Here's a detailed description of its content:

SRCDIR                = .
SUBDIRS               =
DLLS                  =
LIBS                  =
EXES                  = hello.exe

This is where the targets for this directory are listed. The names are pretty self-explanatory. SUBDIRS is usually only present in the top-level makefile. For libraries and executables, specify the full name, including the .dll, .a or .exe extension. Note that these names must be in all lowercase.

### Common settings

DEFINES               = -DSTRICT
INCLUDE_PATH          =
DLL_PATH              =
DLL_IMPORTS           =
LIBRARY_PATH          =
LIBRARIES             =

This section contains the global compilation settings: they apply to all the targets in this makefile. The LIBRARIES variable allows you to specify additional Unix libraries to link with. Note that you would normally not specify Winelib libraries there. To link with a Winelib library, one uses DLL_IMPORTS. The exception is for C++ libraries where you currently don't have a choice but to link with them in the Unix sense. One library you are likely to find here is mfc.

The other variable names should be self-explanatory. There are also CEXTRA, CXXEXTRA and RCEXTRA which allow you to specify additional flags for, respectively, the C compiler, the C++ compiler and the resource compiler. Finally note that all these variables contain the option's name.

Then there is one section per target, each describing the various components that target is made of.

### hello.exe sources and settings

hello_exe_C_SRCS          = hello.c
hello_exe_CXX_SRCS        =
hello_exe_RC_SRCS         =

The above variables list the sources that are used to generate the target. Each section will start with a comment indicating the name of the target. Then come a series of variables prefixed with the name of that target. Note that the name of the prefix may be slightly different from that of the target because of restrictions on the variable names.

hello_exe_DLL_PATH        =
hello_exe_DLLS            =
hello_exe_LIBRARY_PATH    =
hello_exe_LIBRARIES       =

The above variables specify how to link the target. Note that they add to the global settings we saw at the beginning of this file.

The DLLS field is where you would enumerate the list of DLLs that executable imports. It should contain the full DLL name, but not the -l option.

hello_exe_OBJS        = $(hello_exe_C_SRCS:.c=.o) \
                        $(hello_exe_CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o) \

The above just builds a list of all the object files that correspond to this target. This list is later used for the link command.

### Global source lists

C_SRCS                = $(hello_exe_C_SRCS)
CXX_SRCS              = $(hello_exe_CXX_SRCS)
RC_SRCS               = $(hello_exe_RC_SRCS)

This section builds “summary” lists of source files.

### Generic targets

all: $(SUBDIRS) $( $(LIBS) $(EXES)

The above first defines the default target for this makefile. Here it consists in trying to build all the targets.

### Target specific build rules

Then come additional directives to link the executables and libraries. These are pretty much standard and you should not need to modify them.
3.2 Compiling resource files: wrc

To compile resources you should use the Wine Resource Compiler, wrc for short, which produces a binary .res file. This resource file is then used by winebuild when compiling the spec file (see The Spec file).

Again the makefiles generated by winemaker take care of this for you. But if you were to write your own makefile you would put something like the following:


WRCFLAGS      = -r -L

.SUFFIXES: .rc .res

    $(WRC) $(WRCFLAGS) $(WINELIB_FLAGS) -o $@ $<

There are two issues you are likely to encounter with resource files.

The first problem is with the C library headers. wrc does not know where these headers are located. So if an RC file, of a file it includes, references such a header you will get a 'file not found' error. Here are a few ways to deal with this:

    The solution traditionally used by the Winelib headers is to enclose the offending include statement in an #ifndef RC_INVOKED statement where RC_INVOKED is a macro name which is automatically defined by wrc.

    Alternately you can add one or more -I directive to your wrc command so that it finds you system files. For instance you may add -I/usr/include -I/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.2/include to cater to both C and C++ headers. But this supposes that you know where these header files reside which decreases the portability of your makefiles to other platforms.

    Or you could use the C/C++ compiler to perform the preprocessing. To do so, simply modify your makefile as follows:

        $(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -DRC_INVOKED -E -x c $< | $(WRC) -N $(WRCFLAGS) $(WINELIB_FLAGS) -o $@

The second problem is that the headers may contain constructs that wrc fails to understand. A typical example is a function which return a const type. wrc expects a function to be two identifiers followed by an opening parenthesis. With the const this is three identifiers followed by a parenthesis and thus wrc is confused (note: it should in fact ignore all this like the windows resource compiler does). The current work-around is to enclose offending statement(s) in a #ifndef RC_INVOKED.

Using GIF files in resources is problematic. For best results, convert them to BMP and change your .res file.

If you use common controls/dialogs in your resource files, you will need to add #include <commctrl.h> after the #include <windows.h> line, so that wrc knows the values of control specific flags.
3.3 The Spec file
3.3.1 Introduction

In Windows, applications and libraries contain some information which are necessary to make APIs such as GetProcAddress work. So it is necessary to duplicate these data structures in the Unix world to make these same APIs work with Winelib applications and libraries.

The spec file is there to solve the semantic gap described above. It provides information about each API exported from a DLL so that the appropriate tables can be generated. Further the information is used to for better relay logging.

A typical spec file will look something like this:

@ stdcall -private DllCanUnloadNow()
@ stdcall -private DllGetClassObject(ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall -private DllRegisterServer()
@ stdcall -private DllUnregisterServer()

3.3.2 More details

Here is a more detailed description of the spec file format.

# comment text

Anything after a '#' will be ignored as comments.

@ stdcall CreateDesktopW(wstr wstr ptr long long ptr)
@ stdcall CM_Get_Parent(ptr long long) setupapi.CM_Get_Parent
@ cdecl -arch=x86_64 ceilf(float) MSVCRT_ceilf

This field can be present zero or more times. Each instance defines a function entry point. The prototype defined by EXPORTNAME ([ARGTYPE [ARGTYPE [...]]]) specifies the name available for dynamic linking and the format of the arguments. ORDINAL is replaced by the ordinal number corresponding to the function, or @ for automatic ordinal allocation (Win32 only).

FUNCTYPE should be one of:

    for a Win16 function
    for a normal Win32 function
    for a Win32 function using the C calling convention
    for a Win32 function taking a variable number of arguments
    for a Win32 function using the C++ calling convention

ARGTYPE should be one of:

    for a 16-bit word
    for a 16-bit signed word
    for a segmented pointer
    for a segmented pointer to a null-terminated string
    a 32-bit value
    for a linear pointer
    for a linear pointer to a null-terminated string
    for a linear pointer to a null-terminated wide (16-bit Unicode) string
    a 64-bit value
    a 128-bit value
    a 32-bit floating-point value
    a 64-bit floating-point value

For Win32 functions word, s_word, segptr and segstr are not valid. HANDLERNAME is the name of the actual Wine function that will process the request in 32-bit mode.

Strings should almost always map to str, wide strings to wstr. As the general rule it depends on whether the parameter is IN, OUT or IN/OUT.

    IN: str/wstr
    OUT: ptr
    IN/OUT: str/wstr

It is for debug messages. If the parameter is OUT it might not be initialized and thus it should not be printed as a string.

To declare a function using a variable number of arguments in Win16, specify the function as taking no arguments. The arguments are then available with CURRENT_STACK16->args. In Win32, specify the function as varargs and declare it with a “...” parameter in the C file. See the wsprintf* functions in user.spec and user32.spec for an example.


This field can be present zero or more times. Each instance defines a stub function. It makes the ordinal available for dynamic linking, but will terminate execution with an error message if the function is ever called.


This field can be present zero or more times. Each instance defines an entry that simply maps to a Wine symbol (variable or function); EXPORTNAME</cottde> will point to the symbol <tt>SYMBOLNAME that must be defined in C code. This type only works with Win32.
3.4 Linking it all together

    Note: FIXME:The following is not up-to-date.

To link an executable you need to link together: your object files, any Windows libraries that your application depends on, gdi32 for instance, and any additional library that you use. All the libraries you link with should be available as .so libraries. If one of them is available only in .dll form then consult Building Winelib DLLs.

It is also when attempting to link your executable that you will discover whether you have missing symbols or not in your custom libraries. On Windows when you build a library, the linker will immediately tell you if a symbol it is supposed to export is undefined. In Unix, and in Winelib, this is not the case. The symbol will silently be marked as undefined and it is only when you try to produce an executable that the linker will verify all the symbols are accounted for.

So before declaring victory when first converting a library to Winelib, you should first try to link it to an executable (but you would have done that to test it anyway, right?). At this point you may discover some undefined symbols that you thought were implemented by the library. Then, you go to the library sources and fix it. But you may also discover that the missing symbols are defined in, say, gdi32. This is because you did not link the said library with gdi32. One way to fix it is to link this executable, and any other that also uses your library, with gdi32. But it is better to go back to your library makefile and explicitly link it with gdi32.

As you will quickly notice, this has unfortunately not been (completely) done for Winelib own libraries. So if an application must link with ole32, you will also need to link with advapi32, rpcrt4 and others even if you don't use them directly. This can be annoying and hopefully will be fixed soon (feel free to submit a patch).
4 Dealing with the MFC
4.1 Introduction

To use the MFC in a Winelib application you will first have to recompile the MFC with Winelib. In theory it should be possible to write a wrapper for the Windows MFC as described in Building Winelib DLLs. But in practice it does not seem to be a realistic approach for the MFC:

    the huge number of APIs makes writing the wrapper a big task in itself.
    furthermore the MFC contain a huge number of APIs which are tricky to deal with when making a wrapper.
    even once you have written the wrapper you will need to modify the MFC headers so that the compiler does not choke on them.
    a big part of the MFC code is actually in your application in the form of macros. This means even more of the MFC headers have to actually work to in order for you to be able to compile an MFC based application.

This is why this guide includes a section dedicated to helping you compile the MFC with Winelib.
4.2 Legal issues

The purpose of this section is to make you aware of potential legal problems. Be sure to read your licenses and to consult your lawyers. In any case you should not consider the remainder of this section to be authoritative since it has not been written by a lawyer.

During the compilation of your program, you will be combining code from several sources: your code, Winelib code, Microsoft MFC code, and possibly code from other vendor sources. As a result, you must ensure that the licenses of all code sources are obeyed. What you are allowed and not allowed to do can vary depending on how you combine the code and if you will be distributing it. For example, if you are releasing your code under the GPL or LGPL, you cannot use MFC because these licenses do not allow covered code to depend on libraries with non-compatible licenses. There is a workaround - in the license for your code you can make an exception for the MFC library. For details see The GNU GPL FAQ.

Wine/Winelib is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the license for restrictions on the modification and distribution of Wine/Winelib code. In general it is possible to satisfy these restrictions in any type of application. On the other hand, MFC is distributed under a very restrictive license and the restrictions vary from version to version and between service packs. There are basically three aspects you must be aware of when using the MFC.

First you must legally get MFC source code on your computer. The MFC source code comes as a part of Visual Studio. The license for Visual Studio implies it is a single product that cannot be broken up into its components. So the cleanest way to get MFC on your system is to buy Visual Studio and install it via Wine or on a dual boot Linux box.

Then you must check that you are allowed to recompile MFC on a non-Microsoft operating system! This varies with the version of MFC. The MFC license from Visual Studio 6.0 reads in part:

    1.1 General License Grant. Microsoft grants to you as an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to make and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the sole purposes of designing, developing, and testing your software product(s) that are designed to operate in conjunction with any Microsoft operating system product. [Other unrelated stuff deleted.]

So it appears you cannot even compile MFC for Winelib using this license. Fortunately the Visual Studio 6.0 service pack 3 license reads (the Visual Studio 5.0 license is similar):

    1.1 General License Grant. Microsoft grants to you as an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to make and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for the purpose of designing, developing, and testing your software product(s). [Other unrelated stuff deleted]

So under this license it appears you can compile MFC for Winelib.

Finally you must check whether you have the right to distribute an MFC library. Check the relevant section of the license on “redistributables and your redistribution rights”. The license seems to specify that you only have the right to distribute binaries of the MFC library if it has no debug information and if you distribute it with an application that provides significant added functionality to the MFC library.
4.3 Compiling the MFC

Here is a set of recommendations for getting the MFC compiled with Winelib:

We recommend running winemaker in --interactive mode to specify the right options for the MFC and the ATL part (to get the include paths right, to not consider the MFC MFC-based, and to get it to build libraries, not executables).

Then when compiling it you will indeed need a number of _AFX_NO_XXX macros. But this is not enough and there are other things you will need to '#ifdef-out'. For instance Wine richedit support is not very good. Here are the AFX options I use:


You will also need custom ones for CMonikerFile, OleDB, HtmlView, ...

We recommend using Wine msvcrt headers (-isystem $(WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT)/msvcrt), though it means you will have to temporarily disable winsock support (#ifdef it out in windows.h).

You should use g++ compiler more recent than 2.95. g++ 2.95 does not support unnamed structs while the more recent ones do, and this helps a lot. Here are the options worth mentioning:

    -fms-extensions (helps get more code to compile)
    -fshort-wchar -DWINE_UNICODE_NATIVE (helps with Unicode support)
    -DICOM_USE_COM_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE (to get the COM code to work)

When you first reach the link stage you will get a lot of undefined symbol errors. To fix these you will need to go back to the source and #ifdef-out more code until you reach a “closure”. There are also some files that don't need to be compiled.

Maybe we will have ready-made makefile here someday...
5 Building Winelib DLLs
5.1 Introduction

For one reason or another you may find yourself with a Linux library that you want to use as if it were a Windows DLL. There are various reasons for this including the following:

    You are porting a large application that uses several third-party libraries. One is available on Linux but you are not yet ready to link to it directly as a Linux shared library.
    There is a well-defined interface available and there are several Linux solutions that are available for it (e.g. the ODBC interface in Wine).
    You have a binary only Windows application that can be extended through plugins, such as a text editor or IDE.

The process for dealing with these situations is actually quite simple. You need to write a spec file that will describe the library interface in the same format as a DLL (primarily what functions it exports). Also you will want to write a small wrapper around the library. You combine these to form a Wine built-in DLL that links to the Linux library. Then you modify the DllOverrides in the wine configuration to ensure that this new built-in DLL is called rather than any windows version.

In this section we will look at two examples. The first example is extremely simple and leads into the subject in “baby steps”. The second example is the ODBC interface proxy in Wine. The files to which we will refer for the ODBC example are currently in the dlls/odbc32 directory of the Wine source.

The first example is based very closely on a real case (the names of the functions etc. have been changed to protect the innocent). A large Windows application includes a DLL that links to a third-party DLL. For various reasons the third-party DLL does not work too well under Wine. However the third-party library is also available for the Linux environment. Conveniently the DLL and Linux shared library export only a small number of functions and the application only uses one of those.

Specifically, the application calls a function:

signed short WINAPI MyWinFunc (unsigned short a, void *b, void *c,
        unsigned long *d, void *e, int f, char g, unsigned char *h);

and the linux library exports a corresponding function:

signed short MyLinuxFunc (unsigned short a, void *b, void *c,
        unsigned short *d, void *e, char g, unsigned char *h);

5.2 Writing the spec file

Start by writing the spec file. This file will describe the interface as if it were a DLL. See elsewhere for the details of the format of a spec file (e.g. man winebuild).

In the simple example we want a Wine built-in DLL that corresponds to the MyWin DLL. The spec file is MyWin.dll.spec and looks something like this:

# File: MyWin.dll.spec
# some sort of copyright
# Wine spec file for the MyWin.dll built-in library (a minimal wrapper around the
# linux library libMyLinux)
# For further details of wine spec files see the Winelib documentation at

2 stdcall MyWinFunc (long ptr ptr ptr ptr long long ptr) MyProxyWinFunc

# End of file

Notice that the arguments are flagged as long even though they are smaller than that. With this example we will link directly to the Linux shared library whereas with the ODBC example we will load the Linux shared library dynamically.

In the case of the ODBC example you can see this in the file odbc32.spec.
5.3 Writing the wrapper

Firstly we will look at the simple example. The main complication of this case is the slightly different argument lists. The f parameter does not have to be passed to the Linux function and the d parameter (theoretically) has to be converted between unsigned long * and unsigned short *. Doing this ensures that the high bits of the returned value are set correctly. Also unlike with the ODBC example we will link directly to the Linux Shared Library.

 * File: MyWin.c
 * Copyright (c) The copyright holder.
 * Basic Wine wrapper for the Linux 3rd party library so that it can be
 * used by the application
 * Currently this file makes no attempt to be a full wrapper for the 3rd
 * party library; it only exports enough for our own use.
 * Note that this is a Unix file; please don't go converting it to DOS format
 * (e.g. converting line feeds to Carriage return/Line feed).
 * This file should be built in a Wine environment as a Winelib library,
 * linked to the Linux 3rd party libraries (currently and

#include <3rd party linux header>
#include <windef.h> /* Part of the Wine header files */

/* This declaration is as defined in the spec file.  It is deliberately not
 * specified in terms of 3rd party types since we are messing about here
 * between two operating systems (making it look like a Windows thing when
 * actually it is a Linux thing).  In this way the compiler will point out any
 * inconsistencies.
 * For example the fourth argument needs care
signed short WINAPI MyProxyWinFunc (unsigned short a, void *b, void *c,
                unsigned long *d, void *e, int f, char g, unsigned char *h)
    unsigned short d1;
    signed short ret;

    d1 = (unsigned short) *d;
    ret = 3rd party linux function (a, b, c, &d1, e, g, h);
    *d = d1;

    return ret;

/* End of file */

For a more extensive case we can use the ODBC example. This is implemented as a header file (proxyodbc.h) and the actual C source file (proxyodbc.c). Although the file is quite long it is extremely simple in structure.

DllMain the function is used to initialize the DLL. On the process attach event the function dynamically links to the desired Linux ODBC library (since there are several available) and builds a list of function pointers. It unlinks on the process detach event.

Then each of the functions simply calls the appropriate Linux function through the function pointer that was set up during initialization.
5.4 Building

So how do we actually build the Wine built-in DLL? The easiest way is to get winemaker to do the hard work for us. For the simple example we have two source files (the wrapper and the spec file). We also have the 3rd party header and library files of course.

Put the two source files in a suitable directory and then use winemaker to create the build framework, including configure script, makefile etc. You will want to use the following options:

    --nosource-fix (requires winemaker version 0.5.8 or later) to ensure that the two files are not modified (if using an older version, make the two files read-only and ignore the complaints about being unable to modify them).
    --dll --single-target MyWin --nomfc to specify the target.
    --DMightNeedSomething -I3rd_party_include -L3rd_party_lib -lxxxx -lyyyy where these are the locations of the header files etc.

After running winemaker I like to edit the Makefile to add the line CEXTRA = -Wall just before the defines.

Then simply run configure and make as normal (described elsewhere).
5.5 Installing

So how do you install the proxy and ensure that everything connects up correctly? You have quite a bit of flexibility in this area so what follows are not the only options available.

Ensure that the actual Linux Shared Object is placed somewhere where the Linux system will be able to find it. Typically this means it should be in one of the directories mentioned in the /etc/ file or somewhere in the path specified by LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you can link to it from a Linux program it should be OK.

Put the proxy shared object ( in the same place as the rest of the built-in DLLs. Alternatively ensure that WINEDLLPATH includes the directory containing the proxy shared object.

If you have both a Windows DLL and a Linux DLL/proxy pair then you will have to ensure that the correct one gets called. The easiest way is probably simply to rename the windows version so that it doesn't get detected. Alternatively you could set a DLL override with winecfg, so that the built-in version is used.

Once you have done this you should be using the Linux Shared Object successfully. If you have problems then set the WINEDEBUG=+module environment variable before running wine to see what is actually happening.
5.6 Converting filenames

Suppose you want to convert incoming DOS format filenames to their Unix equivalent. Of course there is no suitable function in the true Microsoft Windows API, but wine provides a function for just this task and exports it from its copy of the kernel32 DLL. The function is wine_get_unix_file_name (defined in winbase.h).


Diciamo anche che se ti rivolgi a quelli di WINE se vuoi ti fanno funzionare qualsiasi cosa, però il loro motto è : How much you want to pay?
Ma dato che siamo per le cose libere come lo è Spaziometria, proviamo a renderlo ancora più libero.
Non credo che Spaziometria sia più complesso di Office.

Io vorrei provarci, quindi chiedo aiuto principalmente a LuigiB, per la parte windows che gli riguarda, (un aiuto per capire) ma so che per ottenere aiuto devo dare più indizi possibili:

Prima che mi scordo :
Mi ricordo di aver letto di una versione portatile di Spaziometria...
Io conosco diversi prog. per trasformare un programma in portabile su chiavetta usb, ma non so se funzionerebbe tutto, qualcuno in Windows 7 ci ha provato?
Forse trasformarlo in portabile potrebbe essere più facile al fine, io conosco 3 livelli di portabilità e non ho idea di che livello si potrebbe ottenere con Spaziometria, ma questo è un altro discorso.

Iniziamo e veniamo al punto.
Prima qualche spiegazione preliminare.

Gli strumenti di installazione di un prog. Windows su Linux a mia disposizione da usare:

Wine consente di eseguire su Ubuntu i programmi sviluppati per il sistema operativo Microsoft Windows.
Wine è l'acronimo ricorsivo di Wine Is Not an Emulator. Come si evince dal nome, tale progetto non intende realizzare un emulatore. La sua funzione è realizzare un layer di compatibilità tra le API di Windows e il sistema operativo su cui è installato. In questo senso, Wine non emula nessuna architettura o sistema operativo, bensì fornisce un'estensione al "supporto a tempo di esecuzione", delle Win API ai programmi che la richiedono.
Grazie a queste funzionalità, le applicazioni di Windows verranno eseguite direttamente sulla scrivania di Ubuntu e saranno integrate nel sistema, prevenendo la riduzione di prestazioni dei programmi Windows spesso osservata quando installati in una macchina virtuale.

Strumenti principali di Wine
Winecfg: strumento di configurazione di Wine, utile per aggiungere librerie mancanti, cambiare le impostazioni grafiche o audio e tanto altro.
Wine-Gecko: browser web integrato, utile quando una applicazione installata tramite Wine cerca di visualizzare un sito internet.
Wine-Mono: implementazione open source di .NET Framework.
Winetricks: script utile per scaricare e installare varie librerie di runtime necessarie per eseguire alcune applicazioni in Wine.

Altri strumenti:

Q4wine: Un altro bello strumento per aver tutto sotto controllo.

PlayOnLinux: è un'interfaccia grafica di WINE (che è il motore principale) scritta in linguaggio Python che consente l'esecuzione e l'installazione di applicazioni, in particolare giochi, nativamente sviluppate per sistemi Windows.
Sono possibili due casi d'installazione:
l'installazione di un' applicazione supportata,
l'installazione di un' applicazione non supportata.
Le applicazioni supportate si installano facilmente senza fare granchè, perchè nella maggior parte dei casi è stato creato uno script che si occupa di tutti gli annessi e connessi. Vita facile...

Le applicazioni non supportate possono essere comunque installate ed eseguite, ma per esse non è stato creato uno script che scarichi, installi e configuri automaticamente l'applicazione, inserendola di fatto nelle applicazioni supportate.
In questo caso se non esiste uno script creato appositamente, si ha bisogno (manualmente) di aggiungere librerie di sistema o delle innumerevoli impostazioni della configurazione di Wine, bisogna però sapere cosa ci serve per ogni caso specifico.
A volte per installare il programma che ci interessa, dovremo installare altre applicazioni windows che servono per far funzionare il prog che ci interessa, oltre a componenti vari, librerie etc...

Io stesso ho installato manualmente diverse applicazioni non supportate semplicemente seguendo il consiglio di chi ci aveva già provato, mettendo questa o quell'altra libreria o cambiando impostazioni in Wine.
Importante :
Quasi dimenticavo che se dovessero servire librerie "esterne" specifiche di windows, si posso scaricare o prelevarle da un qualsiasi pc con windows e metterle in Wine.
Per i vari programmi windows non supportati, per installarli, Wine e Playonlinux mi danno l'opportunità di installare delle librerie aggiuntive per far funzionare il programma desiderato o addirittura posso prelevarle da un installazione windows, perchè quelle standard in Wine a volte fanno capricci e bisogna cambiarle, insomma di prove da fare c'è ne sono...
Se dovesse servire se ne possono importare moltissime altre in Wine. Oltre a quelle già proposte di default.
Non è finita, se dovesse servire qualche programma specifico, componenti vari per far funzionare il tutto, con WineTricks si può fare anche quello, le possibilità non si fermano.
Insomma se mi serve un componente, una dll o un applicazione, posso inserirla senza problemi
Sono moltissime le altre cose che posso inserire e fare una lista completa sarebbe tedioso da fare.

Contando in un aiuto (anche morale) per capire, discutere, provare, ricapire e ridiscutere per arrivare a qualche risultato.

Quello che viene dopo è una specie di cronistoria di tutto quello che ho fatto.

Di solito si comincia dalle basi quindi faccio la primissima prova giusto apposta per vedere che errori mi da.
Esistono anche metodi più approfonditi per farlo con un log approfondito di tutti gli errori. Ma andiamo un passetto alla volta.
Ho provato ad installarlo senza nessuna configurazione di Wine, winetricks e playonlinux, in maniera standard, come farebbe un utente alle prime armi, usando anche l'interfaccia grafica "PlayonlinuX" creando anche un unità virtuale (utile in caso di errori) per riprovarci con "terreno" pulito.
Con Wine posso inmpostare i sistemi operativi da Win 2000 fino a win 8, di default è impostato con Win XP ed è quella che sto usando.

Questi sono gli errori riscontrati a video dati dal programma d'installazione di Spaziometria:
errore 1
Impossibile effettuare correttamente le registrazione del componente C:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll.
Probabilmente risulterà impossibile avviare correttamente Spaziometria.
Impossibile effettuare correttamente le registrazione del componente C:\windows\system32\THREED32.OCX.
Probabilmente risulterà impossibile avviare correttamente Spaziometria.
Si è verificato il seguente errore durante la creazione del link SpazioMetria (associato a C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe) in
Object doesn't support this action
Si è verificato il seguente errore durante la creazione del link SpazioMetria (associato a C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe) in
Object doesn't support this action
Si è verificato il seguente errore durante la creazione del link
Disinstalla Spaziometria ((associato a C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17\CyberUnistaller.exe) in
Object doesn't support this action

Come ho scritto sopra, ho provato la procedura standard senza andare a configurare e impostare nulla.

Gli errori 1 e 2 son capitati anche su sistemi windows e comunque significa che qualcosa manca.

Gli errori 3 e 4 non so veramente perchè ma sono capitati altre volte e per ovviare si avvia da terminale basta che funziona e chi se ne frega del collegamento sul desktop o altri link, ma ci dovrebbe essere un modo per ovviare all'inconveniente, ma non lo conosco e non so se provochi malfunzionamenti vari.

l'errore 5 non mi interesserebbe, perchè per disinstallare cancello l'unità virtuale e buonanotte. Ma non tutti lo fanno quindi non so se inficia con la piena funzionalità di spaziometria.
Se lo installassi direttamente in wine le cose sarebbero diverse e dovrei usare il programma di disinstallazione o altre vie.

Questo invece è il Log finale dato dal prog. Spaziometria alla fine dell'installazione:
CyberInstaller 4.9.996

--- INIZIO INSTALLAZIONE di Spaziometria 1.6.17 - 26/03/2018 16.09.05 ---

Inizializzazione variabili di installazione.....FATTO

Sistema: Windows XP 32 bit SP3 [Italian (Italy)]
Utente: nomeutente
Lingua utente per installazione: IT
Cartella di origine dati applicativo: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\DATA_EXTENDED
Cartella di origine componenti: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\DATA
Cartella di origine applicazioni da eseguire: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\APPS
Cartella file temporanei: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\
Cartella di sistema: C:\windows\system32
Cartella destinazione: C:\Program Files\Spaziometria

Sistema di roll-back attivato: NO
Pacchetto stand-alone: SI
Installazione silente: NO

Codice seriale validato:  -

Creazione cartelle:
C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System.....[già esistente]
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO.....FATTO
C:\users\nomeutente\Application Data\spaziometria.....FATTO
C:\users\nomeutente\Start Menu\Programs\Spaziometria.....FATTO

Esecuzione applicazioni prima dell'installazione:
sct10en --> C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\APPS\sct10en.exe  --> sincrona.....FATTO

Dati pacchetto:
AUNZIP32.DLL (versione: 0.71) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
azip32.dll (versione: 0.71) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
ClasseFIni.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
cNewMenu6.dll (versione: 3.00.0012) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
COMDLG32.OCX (versione: 6.01.9782) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
fstspz.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
FunzioniSpazioScript.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
HSS.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
HSStat.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
ieframe.dll (versione: 8.00.6001.23562 (longhorn_ie8_ldr_escrow.140131-1840)) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbBrowseFolder.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbFileOps.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbFindFile.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbGradLabel2.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbGrafXY.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbGrid.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
LbGrigliaOrd.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbGSvil.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbHookKeyboard.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
lbLabel.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbMenuSingle2.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbRangeEstrazioni.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LBSaveGif.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbSelNum.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbSelRuote.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbSelRuoteob.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbSfondoForm.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbSugNum.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbText.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LbTipoGioco.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
lbunZipFile.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LTR14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LTRIO14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LTRPR14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
LTRVW14N.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
MSCHRT20.OCX (versione: 6.00.8804) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
MSCOMCT2.OCX (versione: 6.01.9782) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
MSCOMCTL.OCX (versione: 6.01.9839) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
MSFLXGRD.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
msscript.ocx (versione: 1.0.7600.16385) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
MSVBVM60.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
RICHTX32.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
SpazioMetria.exe (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\users\nomeutente\Application Data\spaziometria.....FATTO
SpazioSvilSist.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
SpzmtStat.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
spzrdcol.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
ssubtmr6.dll (versione: 1.01.0003) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
StatisticaPerSistemiG.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
StructSvilSisCondG.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
THREED32.OCX (versione: 1.0.0041) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
vbalCmdBar6.ocx (versione: 1.00.0023) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
vbalTbar6.ocx (versione: 3.05.0001) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
VeriUpd.exe (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
XPControls.ocx (versione: 1.01) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO

Registrazione componenti...
        C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\LbGrid.ocx.....FATTO

Creazione cartella C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17.....FATTO
Copia disinstallatore (CyberUninstaller.exe) in C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17.....FATTO

Creazione collegamenti:
SpazioMetria --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe  --> C:\users\nomeutente\Scrivania [qualsiasi].....ERRORE!!!
SpazioMetria --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe  --> C:\users\nomeutente\Start Menu\Programs\Spaziometria [qualsiasi].....ERRORE!!!
Disinstalla Spaziometria.....ERRORE!!!

Scrittura script di disinstallazione.....FATTO
Creazione struttura dati rimozione.....FATTO
Aggiunta riferimento nel Pannello di Controllo.....FATTO

FINE INSTALLAZIONE - 26/03/2018 16.20.26
*** Attenzione: rilevati errori! ***
Il programma non è stato installato correttamente e il suo funzionamento potrebbe essere compromesso.

Fine Log.
Metto in evidenza:

ieframe.dll (versione: 8.00.6001.23562 (longhorn_ie8_ldr_escrow.140131-1840)) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
THREED32.OCX (versione: 1.0.0041) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....FATTO
Registrazione componenti...
Creazione collegamenti:
SpazioMetria --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe  --> C:\users\nomeutente\Scrivania [qualsiasi].....ERRORE!!!
SpazioMetria --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe  --> C:\users\nomeutente\Start Menu\Programs\Spaziometria [qualsiasi].....ERRORE!!!
Disinstalla Spaziometria.....ERRORE!!!

In pratica le stesse cose viste a video e non ne sappiamo di più...

Per saperne di più dobbiamo installarlo da terminale per avere un log un pò più dettagliato su quello che succede quando si installa il programma.

Prova installazione di Spaziometria in Wine da terminale (senza l'unità virtuale di Playonlinux), ma usando quella predefinita di Wine:

Inserisco il comando da terminale:
.wine/dosdevices/c:/spaziometria$ wine SetupSpaziometria_1_6_17.exe

Questo è quello che succede a video nel terminale mentre si installa :

err:listview:LISTVIEW_WindowProc unknown msg 109d wp=00000000 lp=00000000
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x2002c), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x2002c), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,5630,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x17a830)->(0x18a2e8, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33efc0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33efc0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eea0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ee70), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef30), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef30), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x18b070)->(0xd87698, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa716ec,26702,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ed88), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x1e12e8)->(0x1e51e0, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa71c74,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33d7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
err:module:import_dll Library iertutil.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ieframe.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MFC40.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\THREED32.OCX") not found
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"WScript.Shell",0x33d978: semi-stub
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:wshom:WshShortcut_put_Arguments (0xe0cba0)->(L""): stub
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"WScript.Shell",0x33d978: semi-stub
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:wshom:WshShortcut_put_Arguments (0x130fba0)->(L""): stub
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"WScript.Shell",0x33d978: semi-stub
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:wshom:WshShortcut_put_Arguments (0xe015a0)->(L" /C:\\Program Files\\Spaziometria\\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17\\Uninstall.dat"): stub
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}

Fine log d'installazione da terminale

Metto in evidenza:

Non ho idea di cosa significhino veramente questi termini, solo superficialmente capisco che è roba utile per programmatori

partially implemented.
partial stub!
hacked stub.

Questi altri tipi di errori non so cosa siano veramente

err:listview:LISTVIEW_WindowProc unknown msg 109d wp=00000000 lp=00000000
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...

Qui sotto invece capiamo parzialmente il perchè non aveva correttamente registrato la dll e l'ocx.

err:module:import_dll Library iertutil.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ieframe.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MFC40.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\THREED32.OCX") not found

In pratica ci dice che ieframe.dll ha bisogno di iertutil.dll e che THREED32.OCX ha bisogno di MFC40.DLL.


Dopo installato, provo comunque a farlo partire da terminale per vedere se mi da ulteriori info sugli errori:

.wine/dosdevices/c:/spaziometria$ SpazioMetria.exe

Mi appare subito una finestra che dice:

Mod-varglob main

339- component 'THREED32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered : a file is missing or invalid

Dopo il terminale mi restituisce questo log:

fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0x195eaa4,734,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x32f580), partially implemented.
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} could be created for context 0x3
err:module:import_dll Library MFC40.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\THREED32.OCX") not found
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {0ba686b9-f7d3-101a-993e-0000c0ef6f5e} could be created for context 0x3

errori a catena

Il prossimo (Mezzo)passo e procurarci quello che ci serve e riprovare l'installazione alla stessa maniera.

Diciamo che abbiamo scoperto solo un paio di ingredienti. Quindi abbiamo bisogno di :

iertutil.dll e mfc40.dll per far "andare" ieframe.dll e THREED.OCX.

Li procuro da in installazione di XP e li vado a inserire nella cartella apposita. Dopodiche vado a configurare Wine per fargliele usare.
Pulisco tutto e riprovo l'installazione (su un disco virtuale creato con PlayonLinux).
La fase d'installazione procede benissimo fino alla fine senza errori delle dll e di nessun altro tipo a video.
La barra d'installazione arriva al 100%.
La finestra d'installazione però rimane bloccata così e mi dice in alto "Installazione in corso". e il puntatore del mouse è im pratica una clessidra perenne.

Sottostante appare il messaggio : XPControls.ocx (versione: 1.01) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32... e non riesce a concludere.

Non lo so, sembrava andare tutto liscio fino alla fine, con la barra al 100%, invece...

Il pc sembra bloccato e devo riavviare. Quindi Vado a vedere il log d'installazione di Playonlinux, perchè essendo bloccato, spaziometria non lo rilascia.

[03/27/18 21:47:23] - Running wine- --version (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)

PlayOnLinux logfile
Date: 03/27/18 21:47:23

> PlayOnLinux Version
> uname -a
  Linux just 3.13.0-51-generic #84-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 15 12:11:46 UTC 2015 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a

> wine --version

> Distribution
  Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
  OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a/integrated/SSE2/3DNOW!
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)

[03/27/18 21:47:23] - This is a 32bits prefix!
[03/27/18 21:47:26] - Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
C:\Program Files
[03/27/18 21:47:30] - Running wine- winecfg (Working directory : /home/nomeutente/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/virtualdisco)
[03/27/18 21:48:13] - Running wine- /home/nomeutente/Documenti (Working directory : /)
wine: Handle non valido.
[03/27/18 21:52:37] - Running wine- winecfg (Working directory : /home/nomeutente/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/virtualdisco)
[03/27/18 21:53:39] - Running wine- /home/nomeutente/spaziometria/SetupSpaziometria_1_6_17.exe (Working directory : /)
err:listview:LISTVIEW_WindowProc unknown msg 109d wp=00000000 lp=00000000
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x10036), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x10036), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10102 enable -1: stub!
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,5630,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x17a9a0)->(0x18a458, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e8e0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e8e0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7c0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e790), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e820), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e850), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e850), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x195420)->(0xd86180, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa716ec,26702,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e6a8), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x1dffe0)->(0x1e3ad8, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa71c74,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33d7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd944): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd970): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd99c): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc38): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc64): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc90): stub
Wine CMD Version 5.1.2600 (1.6.2)

C:\windows\system32>Wine CMD Version 5.1.2600 (1.6.2)

C:\windows\system32>err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x405cbdc0 "?" wait timed out in thread 0027, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)

fine log quando si è bloccato.

Provo a fare un avvio dell'applicazione (mezza)installata e a video si apre la schermata d'inizio di spaziometria dove dice che il programma e gratis etc... etc...
Ma si apre un altra finestrella dove dice: Mod_VarGlob Main 76 - Path non found.

Errori sulle dll e ocx non ne da più, però il resto...
Va bene, rifacciamo la prova da terminale ma con le giuste dll già impostate :

.wine/dosdevices/c:/spaziometria$ wine SetupSpaziometria_1_6_17.exe

Finita L'installazione (che non va a buon fine), andiamo a leggere prima il log di spaziometria :

CyberInstaller 4.9.996

--- INIZIO INSTALLAZIONE di Spaziometria 1.6.17 - 29/03/2018 0.19.10 ---

Inizializzazione variabili di installazione.....FATTO

Sistema: Windows XP 32 bit SP3 [Italian (Italy)]
Utente: nomeutente
Lingua utente per installazione: IT
Cartella di origine dati applicativo: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\DATA_EXTENDED
Cartella di origine componenti: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\DATA
Cartella di origine applicazioni da eseguire: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\APPS
Cartella file temporanei: C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\
Cartella di sistema: C:\windows\system32
Cartella destinazione: C:\Program Files\Spaziometria

Sistema di roll-back attivato: NO
Pacchetto stand-alone: SI
Installazione silente: NO

Codice seriale validato:  -

Creazione cartelle:
C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System.....[già esistente]
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO.....FATTO
C:\users\nomeutente\Application Data\spaziometria.....FATTO
C:\users\nomeutente\Start Menu\Programs\Spaziometria.....FATTO

Esecuzione applicazioni prima dell'installazione:
sct10en --> C:\users\nomeutente\Temp\Setup Spaziometria\APPS\sct10en.exe  --> sincrona.....FATTO

Dati pacchetto:
AUNZIP32.DLL (versione: 0.71) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
azip32.dll (versione: 0.71) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
ClasseFIni.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
cNewMenu6.dll (versione: 3.00.0012) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
COMDLG32.OCX (versione: 6.01.9782) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
fstspz.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
FunzioniSpazioScript.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
HSS.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
HSStat.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
ieframe.dll (versione: 8.00.6001.23562 (longhorn_ie8_ldr_escrow.140131-1840)) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[in uso]
LbBrowseFolder.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbFileOps.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbFindFile.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbGradLabel2.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbGrafXY.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbGrid.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
LbGrigliaOrd.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
LbGSvil.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbHookKeyboard.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
lbLabel.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbMenuSingle2.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
LbRangeEstrazioni.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LBSaveGif.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbSelNum.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbSelRuote.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbSelRuoteob.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbSfondoForm.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbSugNum.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbText.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LbTipoGioco.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
lbunZipFile.ocx (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
LTR14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
LTRIO14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
LTRPR14N.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
LTRVW14N.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
MSCHRT20.OCX (versione: 6.00.8804) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
MSCOMCT2.OCX (versione: 6.01.9782) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
MSCOMCTL.OCX (versione: 6.01.9839) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
MSFLXGRD.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
msscript.ocx (versione: 1.0.7600.16385) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
MSVBVM60.DLL (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
RICHTX32.OCX (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
SpazioMetria.exe (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\users\nomeutente\Application Data\spaziometria.....FATTO
SpazioSvilSist.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
SpzmtStat.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
spzrdcol.dll (versione: non disponibile) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
ssubtmr6.dll (versione: 1.01.0003) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
StatisticaPerSistemiG.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
StructSvilSisCondG.dll (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
THREED32.OCX (versione: 1.0.0041) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]
vbalCmdBar6.ocx (versione: 1.00.0023) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
vbalTbar6.ocx (versione: 3.05.0001) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[già aggiornato]
VeriUpd.exe (versione: [qualsiasi] --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria.....FATTO
XPControls.ocx (versione: 1.01) [qualsiasi] --> C:\windows\system32.....[sovrascritto]

Registrazione componenti...
        C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\LbGrid.ocx.....FATTO

Creazione cartella C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17.....FATTO
Copia disinstallatore (CyberUninstaller.exe) in C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17.....FATTO

Creazione collegamenti:
SpazioMetria --> C:\Program Files\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe  --> C:\users\nomeutente\Start Menu\Programs\Spaziometria [qualsiasi].....ERRORE!!!
Disinstalla Spaziometria.....ERRORE!!!

Scrittura script di disinstallazione.....FATTO
Creazione struttura dati rimozione.....FATTO
Aggiunta riferimento nel Pannello di Controllo.....FATTO

FINE INSTALLAZIONE - 29/03/2018 0.19.48
*** Attenzione: rilevati errori! ***
Il programma non è stato installato correttamente e il suo funzionamento potrebbe essere compromesso.


Cavolo per 2 collegamenti in non è solo quello.

Ok, adesso andiamo invece a leggere che mi dice il terminale :


fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd944): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd970): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cd99c): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc38): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc64): stub
fixme:thread:InitializeSRWLock (0x405cdc90): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x403fdc12, 0x405ce7b8, {b2a40f1f-a05a-4dfd-886a-4c4f18c4334c}, 1, 0x32f224, (null), (null), 0x405ce7b8,): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x403fdc12, 0x405ce7e8, {ffdb9886-80f3-4540-aa8b-b85192217ddf}, 1, 0x32f224, (null), (null), 0x405ce7e8,): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x403fdc12, 0x405ce818, {5c8bb950-959e-4309-8908-67961a1205d5}, 1, 0x32f224, (null), (null), 0x405ce818,): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x403fdcdb, 0x405cd2a8, {3e1fd72a-c323-4574-9917-5ce9c936f78c}, 1, 0x32f204, (null), (null), 0x405cd2b0,): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x403fdcdb, 0x405cd2c8, {afff9c82-5be3-4205-9b3e-49e014c09a63}, 1, 0x32f204, (null), (null), 0x405cd2d0,): stub
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
err:listview:LISTVIEW_WindowProc unknown msg 109d wp=00000000 lp=00000000
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x20032), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x20032), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10116 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10116 enable -1: stub!
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f84c), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,5630,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa5ef5c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f7bc), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x17a830)->(0x18a2e8, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,26702,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33efc0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3646,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33efc0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,902,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3466,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eea0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ee70), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33eed0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef00), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef30), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa6234c,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ef30), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x18aef0)->(0xd87310, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa716ec,26702,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33ed88), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x1e1168)->(0x1e4c80, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa71c74,3270,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33d7f0), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 5 L"C:\\users\\nomeutente\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\msscript.cnt" -> L"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Windows Script\\Windows Script Control\\msscript.cnt"
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 5 L"C:\\users\\nomeutente\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\msscript.hlp" -> L"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Windows Script\\Windows Script Control\\msscript.hlp"
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"WScript.Shell",0x33d978: semi-stub
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:wshom:WshShortcut_put_Arguments (0x1155820)->(L""): stub
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"WScript.Shell",0x33d978: semi-stub
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:wshom:WshShell3_QueryInterface Unknown iface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:wshom:WshShortcut_put_Arguments (0x115f618)->(L" /C:\\Program Files\\Spaziometria\\Dati installazione Spaziometria 1.6.17\\Uninstall.dat"): stub
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f328), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0xa628d4,7366,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f668), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint no connection point for {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_END_BROWSER_SESSION: STUB
fixme:advapi:UnregisterTraceGuids 0: stub
fixme:advapi:UnregisterTraceGuids 0: stub
fixme:advapi:UnregisterTraceGuids 0: stub


A questo punto non so più che pesci prendere.

Non sono così esperto in informatica e temo che solo il "Sommo Creatore" LuigiB possa capirci un po di più.
Solo lui può dire cosa cerca il programma per funzionare, in modo di analizzare passo passo cosa fare almeno per capire su che direzione andare.
Questo per quanto riguarda la parte windows.
Io sono disposto a fare tutte le prove possibili, ma ho bisogno almeno di un piccolo sentiero da seguire.
Se c'è qualcun'altro che usa Linux e si ritiene un po esperto si faccia avanti.

Ho già letto discussioni sull'argomento su lottoced, ma si fermavano subito non approfondendo la questione.
Mi fa un po rabbia che l'intera e pesante suite Microsoft office funzioni e Spaziometria, NO.

Mi si insegna che se il problema è grosso, scomporre in problemi più piccoli è una buona via, quindi quale sarebbe il prossimo passettino?

..pensare che io nemmeno gioco, mi diverte il fatto che a volte ci azzecco, inventando di sana pianta e spaziando di fantasia.

Una volta si favevano i calcoli a mano e avevi una settimana di tempo, adesso con uno "scriptino" vedi subito tutto quello che vuoi dall'inizio estrazioni in qualche minuto, bella storia, ma è solo hobby per me, non ho una "lira" da spendere.

Passo la palla, sperando che non me la buchino subito...
non ho niente da fare...
ciao Cerberus , mi sa che a te piu che smanettare con numeri e script ti piaccia smenettare con i sistemi operativi .hai scritto cose molto interessanti (di cui sinceramente non so nulla ) ma . ti sei imbarcato in un'impresa ai limiti dell'impossibile tant'è che per tuttto il tempo che ho impiegato a leggere quanto hai scritto ho avuto in mente questo gioco che si faceva da bambini ( almeno noi che abbiamo una certa età)
Facciamo chiarezza, spaziometria è toalmente compatibile con winxp , pensa che quando faccio delle aggiunte ed entro nei sorgenti le faccio tramite una macchina virtuale con XP...
Quello che non funziona in XP non sono gli script o che altro ma solo l'aggiornamento delle estrazioni via web , il motivo dipende dal fatto che i siti di riferimento usano un protocollo https che winxp non gestisce e dato che spaziometria accede al sito per prelevare le estrazioni instanziando
il browser internet explorer presente in xp il sito non si legge e le estrazioni non si possono prelevare.
Questo è un conto , l'altro conto quello che ti riguarda si riferisce alle problematiche che hai incontrato nella procedura di installazione su ubuntu,
Per me è un bagno di sangue , non si tratta di installare solo le dll , registrare le ocx ma anche creare un ambiente identico a quello che fornisce xp , per esempio appunto se devo instanziare un oggetto internet explorer perche devoscaricare una cosa dal web o devo far vedere l'output dello script deve essere presente internet explorer... se spaziometria si aspetta di trovare il classico percorso \Dati applicazioni presente sui sistemi windows questo percorso deve
essere presente .. Insomma si deve intervenire su cosi tanti aspetti senza tra l'altro avere enssuna garanzia che sinceramente la scelta migliore è proprio quella di emulare su linux un sistema operativo microsoft la perdita di prestazoni è relativa .. , Win seven va benissimo , io spaziometria ce l'ho installato su winseven e funziona perfettamente superando pure il problema dei siti con il protocollo https ...

ciao ..

Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
Ciao Luigi, un saluto anche a Cesare.

Non vorrei contraddirti e forse neppure lo faccio perché non sono sicuro di quello che scrivo.

Forse non è il protocollo perché si riesce in qualche modo ad accedere ai siti ...

è il messaggio di browser non più supportato che si genera a causa del S.O. ... vecchio.

"Alterandosi" la pagina essa diventa irriconoscibile alla routine di aggiornamento.

Dunque i programmi di aggiornamento funzionano con i S.O. nuovi e si bloccano con i vecchi.

Se non ricordo male, avevo un mio script che aggiornava da Televideo

e dovrebbe funzionare "ancora" con vista ed https.

Dunque ... è fuori tema, ma quello dell'aggiornamento è pur sempre un problema di attualità,

... se lo ritenete utile ... cercherò di riferire con maggiore precisione.

(Cercando riscontri materiali e non solo mnemonici perché in età Luigi ... lo batto alla grande,

e potrei aver riferito di cose non vere)

:) I miei complimenti per il tentativo ... sicuramente interessante, che plaudo, naturalmente.
Ultima modifica:
Ciao Joe , il problema me lo sono studiato si tratta di un problema di compatibilita con il protocollo ssl usato per criptare i dati quando si naviga su siti https questo protocollo su xp non funziona infatti io su xp sul sito delle agenziedeimonopoli o su lottomatica ambetue https con IE non resco proprio ad arrivarci ed ho provato tutte le soluzioni possibili,,,non potendoci arrivare "a mano" non ci riesce manco spazioemtria.. poi è chiaro che se a mano uso firefox funziona annche su xp solo che spaziometria ha bisogno di internet explorer

Si Luigi, mi piace molto smanettare, perchè se smanetti alla fine capisci sempre un pochino di più.
Ma non sono un granchè, ero solo esperto di XP, e avendo una certa nomea nel campo, in ufficio mi si accatastavano case di pc, tutti con XP corrotto, e dovevo preservare pure i dati, ci sono state notti dove mentre dormivo sognavo\fabbricavo la soluzione e la mattina in ufficio per ogni pc sapevo cosa fare.

Ho fatto quelle prove da assoluto neofita nel campo, non era nelle mie corde.
Ho letto qualche guida in Inglese è ci ho provato.
Quelli dell'assistenza dicono che è solo una questione di soldi (per il tempo...).
Oltre a proporti una versione a pagamento molto potente a loro dire.
Ma questo è un altro discorso.

C'è da dire una cosa che forse è sfuggita per la lunghezza del mio post.

In Wine, posso impostare l'OS da windows 95 fino a windows 8.
Ho fatto la prova con XP perchè di default.

Se serve Internet Explorer o qualsiasi altro componente o programma, che serve per "ricreare" l'ambiente, si può inserirlo senza problemi.
la lista è lunghissima.
Per quello chiedevo l'intervento anche di un esperto Linux che ne capisse di più.

Non ho capito bene, spaziometria in XP si aggiorna solo con Internet Explorer?...

Un Saluto Cesare
Provvisoriamente riassumo,

se si potrà avere spaziometria funzionante,

con il tandem wine/xp o qualcosa di simile

e l'ultimo dei problemi fosse l'aggiornamento,

avevo predisposto alcuni sciipt

in grado di aggiornare l'archivio da altrettanti siti.

Se il problema fosse solo l aggiornamento delle estrazioni ci sarebbe il sito di questo per l appunto è l ultimo dei problemi...come far funzionare spaziometria su linux è il problema principale ho ben capito con l ultimo tentativo il setup non ha dato problemi.. con che se la piglia appena si tenta di lanciarlo ?
Salve ragazzi, io l'ho fatto solo per "educational purpose", ma anche perchè non ho nulla di meglio da fare, quindi caxxeggio...
Si, l'ultima prova sembrava andare a buon fine e solo 2 collegamenti non andavano, ma so che non è solo quello. Quando ho provato a lanciarlo da terminale :
Ma si apriva una finestrella dove diceva: Mod_VarGlob Main 76 - Path non found.

Lo ammetto non so da che parte andare per fare un ulteriore piccolo passettino.
Esperto Linux, dove sei?
Ultima modifica:
il percorso che cerca all'inizio è senz'altro la directory dati applicazioni\spaziometria , dato che quella directory è di sistema e varia sia in funzione del sistema operativo che dell'utente loggato il percorso viene chiesto al sistema operativo stesso tramite una chiamata api a getSpecialFolder...
un buon esperto di linux son o certo che ti suggerirebbe di lasciar perdere se non altro per l'antipatia innata verso windos .. :-)
Gli esperti Linux dicono che si può fare, "dindini" alla mano...L'antipatia è superata dalla voglia di riuscire a fare qualcosa che vada oltre.

Stavo per chiederti di fare una versione con i collegamenti che puntassero nei posti giusti per evitare gli errori.

ma sto facebdo il pesce in un aquario bucato e non so manco che dico, mi fermo qui.
Complimenti a LuigiB, ma anche a Roby. Anchio ho il problema di installarlo su Ubuntu o Xubuntu 18.04 - su windos 10 l'ho gia' installato e funziona benino ( trattasi di un acer ferrari di 15 anni fa' ). Ora giusto per rilanciare il treed,anchio VI RICHIEDO per favore, se qualcuno nel frattempo e' riuscito ad installarlo su Linux ? Grazie in anticipo a chi vorra' commentare ulteriormente. Ciao Paola
Salve a tutti, mi sono appena iscritto dopo aver letto questo post.
Anni fa avevo installato Spaziometria su linux senza particolari problemi. Purtroppo è passato molto tempo e la mia testa non è più tanto fresca. Comunque ho provato a reinstallarlo su alcune versioni linux. Ad esempio su Linux Mint 19.3 ci sono riuscito (dopo due giorni di tentativi). Funzionava QUASI tutto però era lento.
All'inizio dell'installazione il programma avverte che alcune DLL non sono registrate: IEFRAME.DLL e Thred32.OCX.
La prima si risolve con (da terminale) winecfg e, nella finestra che si apre, aprendo la linguetta -LIBRERIA- aggiungendo la DLL.
Più complicata è THRED32.OCX che non viene registrata perché mancano altre DLL.
Io ho aggiunto tramite WINETRICKS le seguenti: OLEPRO32.DLL, MFC40.DLL, MFC20.DLL, MSVCRT20.DLL, MSVCRT40 (una o due ho dovuto scaricarle).
Ho poi registrato la DLL THRED32. Reinstallato Spaziometria funzionava in parte (ad esempio non funzionava QUADRO ANALITICO ESTRAZIONI PER RUOTA).
Tenete presente che lavoro in modalità virtuale e questo potrebbe essere la causa della lentezza e altri problemi.
Ho provato poi ad installarlo su UBUNTU XFCE a 32 bit senza però riuscirci.
Ora ho scaricato UBUNTU MATE e proverò a installarlo.
Non sono un esperto ho solo un minimo di conoscenza e la curiosità di trovare soluzioni. Quindi se avete suggerimenti fatevi avanti. Il problema è che non so quali DLL siano effettivamente necessarie.
Nel caso riuscissi a installarlo (funzionante) su Ubuntu vi farò sapere.
Piccolo aggiornamento.
L'ho installato su Ubuntu Mate 64 bit. Il problema più grande è stato installare WINE, errori di ogni tipo forse creati per me, per farmi un dispetto :).
Funziona salvo QUADRO ANALITICO ESTRAZIONI PER RUOTA che dà errore "380-Invalid property value" che non so cosa significhi.
Le DLL IEFRAME.DLL e THREED32.OCX ho dovuto scaricarle inserirle in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 e in WINDOWS/SYSWOW64 per poi registrarle. Poi ho lanciato il setup e, apparentemente, tutto è andato a buon fine, cioé non sono stati segnalati errori.
Farò altre prove. La mia impressione è però che WINE anziché migliorato sia peggiorato.
Grazie Joe.

Manca ancora qualcosa. Gli script non funzionano. Appare questa litania per me indecifrabile:
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000014 in 32-bit code (0x729a40da).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:729a40da ESP:0032e0e8 EBP:0032e0f0 EFLAGS:00210246( R- -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:00000000 EBX:01bd7244 ECX:0032e0bc EDX:00000000
ESI:01b7daf4 EDI:01bda534
Stack dump:
0x0032e0e8: 0032e178 0051572c 0032e118 729a8990
0x0032e0f8: 01bda534 0000000f 0032e114 0032e110
0x0032e108: 0032e178 0051572c 01bd723c 01bd723c
0x0032e118: 0032e148 729a8b73 0032e134 0032e144
0x0032e128: 0032e178 0051572c 00000001 729a4fc6
0x0032e138: 01bd723c 004c95f0 00000000 00000001
=>0 0x729a40da BASIC_CLASS_AddRef+0x5d49a() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e0f0)
1 0x729a8990 BASIC_CLASS_AddRef+0x61d4f() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e118)
2 0x729a8b73 BASIC_CLASS_AddRef+0x61f32() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e148)
3 0x72a0a43d BASIC_CLASS_Invoke+0x2ed() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e190)
4 0x72a0a6be BASIC_CLASS_Invoke+0x56e() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e1bc)
5 0x72a0a644 BASIC_CLASS_Invoke+0x4f4() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e1ec)
6 0x72a0b410 BASIC_CLASS_Invoke+0x12c0() in msvbvm60 (0x0032e218)
0x729a40da BASIC_CLASS_AddRef+0x5d49a in msvbvm60: movb 0x14(%eax),%dl
Module Address Debug info Name (116 modules)
PE 370000- 390000 Deferred aunzip32
PE 3b0000- 3b8000 Deferred lbfileops
PE 3c0000- 3c7000 Deferred lbbrowsefolder
PE 3d0000- 3e3000 Deferred lbgradlabel2
PE 3f0000- 3fa000 Deferred lbsfondoform
PE 400000- 1427000 Deferred spaziometria
PE 3440000- 34b0000 Deferred xpcontrols
PE 3580000- 359a000 Deferred msscript
PE 10000000-10036000 Deferred threed32
PE 11000000-1100a000 Deferred lbunzipfile
PE 20000000-20032000 Deferred richtx32
PE 217a0000-217c3000 Deferred comdlg32
PE 24a20000-24a49000 Deferred cnewmenu6
PE 27580000-27684000 Deferred mscomctl
PE 29c40000-29c7c000 Deferred vbaltbar6
PE 2e8c0000-2e8ca000 Deferred ssubtmr6
PE 4fdb0000-4fe8f000 Deferred mfc40
PE 62340000-623d8000 Deferred uxtheme
PE 62800000-628e4000 Deferred usp10
PE 639c0000-63b2d000 Deferred winmm
PE 64b40000-64b81000 Deferred shcore
PE 65980000-6599d000 Deferred version
PE 66640000-666a2000 Deferred msacm32
PE 67840000-6785a000 Deferred olepro32
PE 68c40000-68d5c000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 69e80000-69ef1000 Deferred propsys
PE 6a300000-6a38f000 Deferred oleaut32
PE 6a900000-6aac1000 Deferred setupapi
PE 6b1c0000-6b1d4000 Deferred msimg32
PE 6b8c0000-6bb13000 Deferred comdlg32
PE 6c0c0000-6c105000 Deferred imm32
PE 6ca40000-6caa3000 Deferred oledlg
PE 6e8c0000-6ed35000 Deferred comctl32
PE 6f080000-6f097000 Deferred riched32
PE 6f2b0000-6f315000 Deferred vbscript
PE 6fdc0000-6ffda000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 705c0000-705da000 Deferred msvcrt40
PE 72940000-72a93000 Export msvbvm60
PE 774e0000-7761d000 Deferred ole32
PE 7ac00000-7ae26000 Deferred riched20
PE 7b000000-7b2dc000 Deferred kernelbase
ELF 7b400000-7b673000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b420000-7b673000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7beb4000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc30000-7beb4000 \ ntdll
ELF 7c000000-7c005000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7c814000-7c83a000 Deferred
ELF 7c83a000-7c91d000 Deferred
ELF 7c91d000-7c93f000 Deferred
ELF 7c93f000-7c96b000 Deferred
ELF 7c96b000-7c976000 Deferred
ELF 7c976000-7ca29000 Deferred
ELF 7ca29000-7ca33000 Deferred
ELF 7ca33000-7ca4c000 Deferred
ELF 7ca4c000-7caa9000 Deferred
ELF 7caa9000-7cb36000 Deferred
ELF 7cb36000-7cb6f000 Deferred
ELF 7cb6f000-7cbac000 Deferred
ELF 7cbac000-7cbc3000 Deferred
ELF 7cbc3000-7cd45000 Deferred
ELF 7cd45000-7cd65000 Deferred
ELF 7cd65000-7cebc000 Deferred
ELF 7cebc000-7cecb000 Deferred
ELF 7cecb000-7ceff000 Deferred
ELF 7ceff000-7cfe0000 Deferred
ELF 7cfe0000-7d1c5000 Deferred
ELF 7d1c5000-7d21b000 Deferred
ELF 7d21b000-7d2b2000 Deferred
ELF 7d2b2000-7d30a000 Deferred winspool<elf>
\-PE 7d2c0000-7d30a000 \ winspool
ELF 7d30a000-7dd20000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 7d340000-7dd20000 \ shell32
ELF 7de1f000-7df04000 Deferred windowscodecs<elf>
\-PE 7de40000-7df04000 \ windowscodecs
ELF 7df5b000-7df61000 Deferred
ELF 7df61000-7df67000 Deferred
ELF 7df67000-7df7d000 Deferred
ELF 7df7d000-7e00a000 Deferred
ELF 7e068000-7e06f000 Deferred
ELF 7e06f000-7e07c000 Deferred
ELF 7e07c000-7e091000 Deferred
ELF 7e091000-7e096000 Deferred
ELF 7e096000-7e0a5000 Deferred
ELF 7e0a5000-7e0b1000 Deferred
ELF 7e0b1000-7e0b9000 Deferred
ELF 7e0b9000-7e0be000 Deferred
ELF 7e0be000-7e0dd000 Deferred
ELF 7e0dd000-7e0e5000 Deferred
ELF 7e0e5000-7e0eb000 Deferred
ELF 7e0eb000-7e119000 Deferred
ELF 7e119000-7e268000 Deferred
ELF 7e268000-7e27f000 Deferred
ELF 7e281000-7e290000 Deferred
ELF 7e297000-7e353000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 7e2c0000-7e353000 \ winex11
ELF 7e3c1000-7e3cb000 Deferred
ELF 7e3cb000-7e3f7000 Deferred
ELF 7e3f7000-7e444000 Deferred
ELF 7e444000-7e462000 Deferred
ELF 7e462000-7e4a1000 Deferred
ELF 7e4a1000-7e563000 Deferred
ELF 7e563000-7e63d000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 7e590000-7e63d000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7e63d000-7e6c2000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 7e650000-7e6c2000 \ advapi32
ELF 7e6c2000-7e81b000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 7e6e0000-7e81b000 \ gdi32
ELF 7e81b000-7ea56000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 7e850000-7ea56000 \ user32
ELF 7ea56000-7ea6b000 Deferred
ELF 7eee3000-7efe8000 Deferred
ELF f7bd5000-f7bdb000 Deferred
ELF f7bdb000-f7dc8000 Deferred
ELF f7dc8000-f7deb000 Deferred
ELF f7e03000-f7fb7000 Dwarf
ELF f7fb9000-f7fe4000 Deferred
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
00000024 0
0000001d 0
0000001a 0
00000013 0
00000010 0
0000000f 0
00000011 plugplay.exe
00000017 0
00000016 0
00000012 0
00000018 winedevice.exe
00000021 0
0000001e 0
0000001c 0
0000001b 0
00000019 0
0000001f explorer.exe
0000002a 0
00000029 0
00000028 0
00000020 0
00000022 winedevice.exe
000000027 0
00000026 0
00000025 0
00000023 0
0000002b (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Spaziometria\SpazioMetria.exe
00000037 0
0000002d 0
0000002c 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-5.0
Platform: i386 (WOW64)
Version: Windows XP
Host system: Linux
Host version: 5.3.0-29-generic
Qualcuno ci capisce qualcosa?
Posseggo un computer fisso con installato Windows 10. Per le prove, tramite Wmware, ho creato una macchina virtuale con, attualmente, Ubuntu Mate 19.3 64 bit. Linux ultimamente sembra aver fatto passi indietro. Riuscire ad installare Wine funzionante, anche da Terminale, sembra impossibile. Occorre installare, dopo averlo scaricato perché nei Repository non c'è, Wine-Mono. In quanto all'installazione di Wine-Gecko ho rinunciato. Ho letto che stanno cercando di risolvere alcuni (molti) bug che affliggono Wine mah!.
Quando alcuni anni fa avevo installato Spaziometria su Ubuntu, se non ricordo male non c'erano ancora gli script e la versione era 1. qualcosa o forse 0. qualcosa, avevo impiegato poco tempo.
E' anche vero che non utilizzo più linux da diverso tempo e che l'installazione di Spaziometria ha qualcosa in più mentre la mia testa ha qualcosa in meno :), però la mia impressione è che il problema sia dovuto più a Wine che a spaziometria.
Per rispondere alla tua domanda: non era installato. L'ho installato e ho rifatto il setup di spaziometria, dopo aver buttato giù tutti i santi del Paradiso sono riuscito a registrare Threed32.ocx. Il programma parte ma continua a funzionare solo parzialmente. Ho l'impressione che il setup degli script, che apparentemente va a buon fine, non funzioni.
Proverò a installare un'altra distro -penso opensuse- e rifarò le prove.
Per altre ragioni e ad in altro contesto, riguardo il funzionamento degli script,

ho questa informazione che non so se possa essere utile:

"funziona, però devo per forza avere due (microsoft windows script),
uno in (programmi) e uno in (Program Files)."

Un passo avanti. Ora funziona quasi tutto. Solo "altri menu" da problemi.
Questa volta ho usato Ubuntu Mate LTS a 32 bit. Ho installato wine a 32 bit. Con Winetricks ho installato IE Explore 8 e alcune DLL (non ho idea se effettivamente servano o sono solo qualcosa in più): D3DX11_43, MFC40 (installa KB9732.X86.exe (boh!)), OLE32 (installa KB936920-SP3X86.enu.EXE (ariboh!)), COMCTL32.OCX, COMDLG32.OCX.
Ho scompattato Spaziometria in C:\USER\DOWLOAD. Sono entrato nella directory SETUP ho selezionato Setupspaziometria.... e ho scelto di aprirlo con Q4.WINE che avevo precedentemente installato (si tratta di una GUI per WINE). E' partita l'installazione andando a buon fine senza errori.
Ora ho la testa un po' fusa domani cercherò di capire cosa fare per ---
"funziona, però devo per forza avere due (microsoft windows script),
uno in (programmi) e uno in (Program Files)." ----
Torno a ripetere non sono un esperto quindi se riusciro a far funzionare tutto chiedete al buon Dio come ho fatto :)
ciao a tutti

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