import tkinter as tk
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, ttk, scrolledtext
import requests
from itertools import product
# Definizione delle ruote del Lotto
'BA': '',
'CA': '',
'FI': '',
'GE': '',
'MI': '',
'NA': '',
'PA': '',
'RO': '',
'TO': '',
'VE': '',
'NZ': ''
class SequenzaSpiaApp:
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.root.title("Predittore Bit Lotto")
self.queue = Queue()
self.tabella_valori = []
self.decimal_results = {}
self.binary_filename = None
self.selected_ruota = None
def setup_variables(self):
self.dati = []
self.carrello = [None] * 7
self.pattern_ricerca = []
self.filename = None
self.pattern_cache = {}
self.soglia_var = tk.IntVar(value=50)
self.bit_var = tk.IntVar(value=0)
self.ruota_var = tk.StringVar(value="BA")
def create_ui(self):
main_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root, padding="10")
main_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
# Frame selezione ruota
ruota_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Selezione Ruota", padding="5")
ruota_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Label(ruota_frame, text="Ruota:").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ruota_menu = ttk.OptionMenu(ruota_frame, self.ruota_var, "BA", *URL_RUOTE.keys(),
ruota_menu.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.ruota_label = ttk.Label(ruota_frame, text="Ruota selezionata: Bari")
self.ruota_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Anteprima binaria
preview_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Anteprima Binaria", padding="5")
preview_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
self.binary_preview = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(preview_frame, height=5, width=50)
self.binary_preview.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
# Conversione colonne
self.conversion_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Conversione File", padding="5")
self.conversion_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Button(self.conversion_frame, text="Carica e Converti Ruota",
command=self.carica_file).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.nome_file_label = ttk.Label(self.conversion_frame, text="Nessun dato caricato")
self.nome_file_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.column_vars = []
for i in range(5):
var = tk.BooleanVar()
ttk.Checkbutton(self.conversion_frame, text=f"Col {i+1}",
variable=var).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2)
ttk.Button(self.conversion_frame, text="Converti Colonne",
command=self.convert_selected_columns).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Analisi pattern
self.analysis_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Analisi Pattern", padding="5")
self.analysis_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Button(self.analysis_frame, text="Carica File Binario",
command=self.load_binary_file).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.binary_file_label = ttk.Label(self.analysis_frame, text="Nessun file binario caricato")
self.binary_file_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Label(self.analysis_frame, text="Righe:").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.righe_input = ttk.Entry(self.analysis_frame, width=5)
self.righe_input.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2)
ttk.Label(self.analysis_frame, text="Colonne:").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.colonne_input = ttk.Entry(self.analysis_frame, width=5)
self.colonne_input.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2)
ttk.Button(self.analysis_frame, text="Crea Pattern",
command=self.crea_tabella).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(self.analysis_frame, text="Carica Pattern",
command=self.carica_pattern).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Gestione carrello
cart_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Gestione Carrello", padding="5")
cart_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
self.carrello_label = ttk.Label(cart_frame, text=self._format_carrello())
self.carrello_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(cart_frame, text="Svuota Carrello",
command=self.svuota_carrello).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(cart_frame, text="Converti in Decimale",
command=self.esporta_carrello).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Tabella pattern
self.table_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame)
self.table_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, pady=5)
# Progress bar
self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(main_frame, mode='determinate')
self.progress.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
# Controllo pattern
pattern_control_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Controllo Pattern", padding="5")
pattern_control_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
self.pattern_display = ttk.Label(pattern_control_frame, text="Pattern: Nessun pattern caricato")
self.pattern_display.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(pattern_control_frame, text="Analizza Dataset",
command=self.start_analysis).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(pattern_control_frame, text="Analizza Migliori Pattern",
command=self.start_best_pattern_analysis).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Selezione bit
bit_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Selezione Bit", padding="5")
bit_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Label(bit_frame, text="Posizione bit (0-6):").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.bit_position = ttk.Spinbox(bit_frame, from_=0, to=6, width=5)
self.bit_position.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
# Range analisi
range_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Range Analisi", padding="5")
range_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Label(range_frame, text="Ultime N estrazioni (0=tutte):").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.n_estrazioni = ttk.Entry(range_frame, width=6)
self.n_estrazioni.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.n_estrazioni.insert(0, "0")
# Risultati
self.results_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Risultati Analisi", padding="5")
self.results_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, pady=5)
button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.results_frame)
button_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
ttk.Button(button_frame, text="Copia Risultati",
command=self.copy_results).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
ttk.Button(button_frame, text="Cancella Risultati",
command=self.clear_results).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
self.results_text = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.results_frame, height=10, width=50)
self.results_text.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, pady=5)
# Risultati decimali
decimal_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Risultati Decimali per Colonna", padding="5")
decimal_frame.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
self.decimal_text = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(decimal_frame, height=5, width=50)
self.decimal_text.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5)
def update_ruota_label(self, value):
self.selected_ruota = value
self.ruota_label.config(text=f"Ruota selezionata: {self.get_ruota_name(value)}")
def get_ruota_name(self, code):
ruote_nomi = {
'BA': 'Bari', 'CA': 'Cagliari', 'FI': 'Firenze', 'GE': 'Genova',
'MI': 'Milano', 'NA': 'Napoli', 'PA': 'Palermo', 'RO': 'Roma',
'TO': 'Torino', 'VE': 'Venezia', 'NZ': 'Nazionale'
return ruote_nomi.get(code, code)
def carica_file(self):
if not self.selected_ruota:
self.selected_ruota = self.ruota_var.get()
url = URL_RUOTE.get(self.selected_ruota)
if not url:
raise ValueError("Ruota non valida selezionata")
response = requests.get(url)
self.filename = f"{self.selected_ruota}.txt"
raw_lines = response.text.splitlines()
self.dati = []
for line in raw_lines:
parts = line.strip().split()
# MODIFICA CHIAVE: controlla almeno 7 elementi e i numeri validi sono da posizione 2 a 6
if len(parts) >=7 and all(p.isdigit() and 1 <= int(p) <=90 for p in parts[2:7]):
numeri = parts[2:7] # Estrai solo i 5 numeri validi
self.dati.append(" ".join(numeri))
print(f"Riga scartata: {line}")
print(f"Righe valide caricate: {len(self.dati)}")
self.nome_file_label.config(text=f"Ruota: {self.get_ruota_name(self.selected_ruota)}")
# Converti colonne 1-5 (corrispondono ai numeri estratti)
for i in range(1,6):
output_file = f"b{i}.txt"
self.convert_column_to_binary_file(i, output_file)
print(f"Convertita colonna {i} in {output_file}")
Thread(target=self.load_data, daemon=True).start()
except Exception as e:
self.queue.put(("error", f"Errore caricamento o conversione dati ruota: {str(e)}"))
def load_data(self):
print(f"Dati caricati per {self.selected_ruota}: {self.dati[:5]}...")
self.queue.put(("update", f"Totale righe valide: {len(self.dati)} - Colonne convertite in b1.txt - b5.txt"))
preview_text = '\n'.join(self.dati[:5]) + "\n..." if self.dati else "Nessun dato valido"
self.binary_preview.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.binary_preview.insert('1.0', preview_text)
except Exception as e:
self.queue.put(("error", f"Errore elaborazione dati: {str(e)}"))
def genera_report(self, file_binario, pattern, zero_count, one_count, binary_sequence, worst_bit, alternative_bit, decimal_value, position, next_bits=None):
report = f"Per {file_binario}: {len(self.dati)} split con probabilità >= soglia.\n"
report += f"[INFO] Ruota: {position}\n"
report += f"[INFO] File binario: {file_binario}\n"
report += f"[INFO] Pattern analizzato: {''.join(str(bit) for bit in pattern[0]) if isinstance(pattern, list) and pattern else pattern}\n"
report += f"[INFO] Occorrenze '0': {zero_count}\n"
report += f"[INFO] Occorrenze '1': {one_count}\n"
report += f"[INFO] Sequenza binaria risultante: {binary_sequence} < bit 'peggiore' il {worst_bit + 1} -> alternativa bit: {alternative_bit} = {int(alternative_bit, 2)}\n"
if next_bits:
report += f"[INFO] Prossimi 3 bit: {''.join(map(str, next_bits))}\n"
report += f"[INFO] Numero decimale: {decimal_value}\n"
report += f"[INFO] ================================\n"
self.results_text.insert(tk.END, report)
self.decimal_text.insert(tk.END, f"Posizione: {position}, Decimale: {decimal_value}\n")
def _format_carrello(self):
return "Carrello: " + " ".join(str(b) if b is not None else "_" for b in self.carrello)
def check_queue(self):
while not self.queue.empty():
msg = self.queue.get()
if isinstance(msg, tuple):
msg_type, content = msg
if msg_type == "error":
messagebox.showerror("Errore", content)
elif msg_type == "update":
self.root.after(100, self.check_queue)
def start_analysis(self):
if not self.dati:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Caricare prima un file binario o una ruota")
if not self.pattern_ricerca:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Caricare prima un pattern")
Thread(target=self.analizza_dataset, daemon=True).start()
def start_best_pattern_analysis(self):
if not self.dati:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Caricare prima un file binario o una ruota")
Thread(target=self.analizza_migliori_pattern, daemon=True).start()
def esporta_carrello(self):
if None in self.carrello:
messagebox.showwarning("Avviso", "Completare il carrello")
val = int("".join(map(str, self.carrello)), 2)
messagebox.showinfo("Risultato", f"Valore decimale: {val}")
bit_pos = self.binary_filename or self.selected_ruota
n_estrazioni = self.n_estrazioni.get().strip()
if n_estrazioni.isdigit():
n_estrazioni = int(n_estrazioni)
n_estrazioni = 0
self.decimal_results[bit_pos] = (val, n_estrazioni)
def crea_tabella(self):
righe = int(self.righe_input.get())
colonne = int(self.colonne_input.get())
for widget in self.table_frame.winfo_children():
self.tabella_valori = []
for i in range(righe):
row = []
for j in range(colonne):
btn = ttk.Button(self.table_frame, text="0", width=2,
command=lambda r=i, c=j: self.toggle_bit(r, c))
btn.grid(row=i, column=j, padx=2, pady=2)
self.queue.put(("update", "Tabella pattern creata"))
except ValueError:
self.queue.put(("error", "Inserire valori numerici validi"))
def toggle_bit(self, riga, colonna):
button = self.tabella_valori[riga][colonna]
current = button.cget("text")
new_value = "1" if current == "0" else "0"
def carica_pattern(self):
pattern = []
for row in self.tabella_valori:
pattern_row = []
for button in row:
self.pattern_ricerca = pattern
pattern_str = "\n".join(" ".join(str(bit) for bit in row) for row in pattern)
messagebox.showinfo("Pattern Caricato", "Pattern pronto per l'analisi")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Errore", f"Errore caricamento pattern: {str(e)}")
def analizza_dataset(self):
if not self.pattern_ricerca:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Caricare prima un pattern")
self.progress['value'] = 0
reversed_data = list(reversed(self.dati))
n = self.n_estrazioni.get().strip()
if n and n.isdigit():
n = int(n)
if n > 0:
reversed_data = reversed_data[:n]
print(f"Analisi limitata alle ultime {n} estrazioni" if n >0 else "Analisi su tutte le estrazioni")
total_rows = len(reversed_data)
if total_rows ==0:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Nessuna estrazione da analizzare.")
bit_pos = int(self.bit_position.get())
zeros = 0
ones = 0
matches =0
pattern_height = len(self.pattern_ricerca)
pattern_width = len(self.pattern_ricerca[0]) if self.pattern_ricerca else 0
for i in range(len(reversed_data) - pattern_height +1):
match = True
current_sequence = []
for row_idx in range(pattern_height):
data_row = reversed_data[i + row_idx].split()
if not data_row:
match = False
current_sequence.append(reversed_data[i + row_idx])
if len(data_row)*7 < pattern_width:
match = False
binary_row = ''.join(data_row).replace('.', '')
for col_idx, pattern_bit in enumerate(self.pattern_ricerca[row_idx]):
if col_idx >= len(binary_row):
match = False
if int(binary_row[col_idx]) != pattern_bit:
match = False
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Errore di conversione: {e} in riga {i+row_idx}, colonna {col_idx}")
match = False
if not match:
if match:
matches +=1
next_row_idx = i + pattern_height
if next_row_idx < total_rows:
next_row = reversed_data[next_row_idx].split()
if next_row and bit_pos < len(''.join(next_row)):
binary_next_row = ''.join(next_row).replace('.', '')
worst_bit_index = bit_pos
alternative_bit = list(binary_next_row)
alternative_bit[bit_pos] = '1' if binary_next_row[bit_pos] == '0' else '0'
alternative_bit_str = ''.join(alternative_bit)
decimal_value = int(binary_next_row, 2)
if int(binary_next_row[bit_pos]) ==1:
ones +=1
zeros +=1
next_bits = []
if next_row_idx +2 < total_rows:
for k in range(3):
next_k_row = reversed_data[next_row_idx +k].split()
if next_k_row and bit_pos < len(''.join(next_k_row)):
next_bits.append(int(''.join(next_k_row).replace('.', '')[bit_pos]))
self.genera_report(self.binary_filename or self.selected_ruota, self.pattern_ricerca, zeros, ones, binary_next_row, worst_bit_index, alternative_bit_str, decimal_value, self.get_ruota_name(self.selected_ruota), next_bits if len(next_bits) ==3 else None)
self.progress['value'] = (i/(total_rows - pattern_height +1))*100
if ones > zeros:
self.carrello[bit_pos] = 1
self.carrello[bit_pos] = 0
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Errore generico durante l'analisi: {str(e)}"
print(f"ERRORE: {error_msg}")
self.queue.put(("error", error_msg))
self.progress['value'] = 100
def analizza_migliori_pattern(self):
self.progress['value'] =0
reversed_data = list(reversed(self.dati))
n = self.n_estrazioni.get().strip()
if n and n.isdigit():
n = int(n)
if n>0:
reversed_data = reversed_data[:n]
print(f"Analisi limitata alle ultime {n} estrazioni" if n>0 else "Analisi su tutte le estrazioni")
total_rows = len(reversed_data)
if total_rows ==0:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Nessuna estrazione da analizzare.")
bit_pos = int(self.bit_position.get())
pattern_height =4
pattern_width =7
patterns = [list(map(int, p)) for p in product('01', repeat=pattern_height)]
pattern_stats = {}
for pattern in patterns:
matches =0
next_bits_list = []
for i in range(len(reversed_data) - pattern_height -2):
match = True
for row_idx in range(pattern_height):
binary_row = reversed_data[i + row_idx].replace('.', '')
if len(binary_row) <= bit_pos or int(binary_row[bit_pos]) != pattern[row_idx]:
match =False
if match:
matches +=1
next_bits = []
for k in range(3):
next_row = reversed_data[i + pattern_height +k].replace('.', '')
if len(next_row) > bit_pos:
if len(next_bits) ==3:
if matches>0:
pattern_stats[tuple(pattern)] = (matches, next_bits_list)
top_patterns = sorted(pattern_stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True)[:3]
self.results_text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
for pattern, (matches, next_bits_list) in top_patterns:
zeros = sum(1 for bits in next_bits_list for b in bits if b==0)
ones = sum(1 for bits in next_bits_list for b in bits if b==1)
pattern_str = ''.join(map(str, pattern))
predizione = []
for i in range(3):
bit_zeros = sum(1 for bits in next_bits_list if bits[i]==0)
bit_ones = sum(1 for bits in next_bits_list if bits[i]==1)
predizione.append(1 if bit_ones>bit_zeros else 0)
report = (f"Pattern: {pattern_str}\n"
f"Corrispondenze: {matches}\n"
f"Occorrenze totali - Zeri: {zeros}, Uni: {ones}\n"
f"Bit successivi trovati (primi 5):\n")
for bits in next_bits_list[:5]:
report += f" {''.join(map(str, bits))}\n"
report += f"Predizione 3 bit: {''.join(map(str, predizione))}\n"
self.results_text.insert(tk.END, report)
self.progress['value'] =100
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Errore generico durante l'analisi dei migliori pattern: {str(e)}"
print(f"ERRORE: {error_msg}")
self.queue.put(("error", error_msg))
def convert_selected_columns(self):
if not self.filename:
messagebox.showwarning("Attenzione", "Caricare prima i dati di una ruota")
for i, var in enumerate(self.column_vars):
if var.get():
output_file = f"b{i+1}.txt"
self.convert_column_to_binary_file(i+1, output_file)
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Errore", f"Errore nella conversione: {str(e)}")
def convert_column_to_binary_file(self, column_index, output_file):
transformed_lines = []
for line in self.dati:
numbers = line.strip().split()
if column_index-1 < len(numbers):
num = numbers[column_index-1]
if num.isdigit() and 1 <= int(num) <=90:
binary = f"{int(num):07b}"
binary_with_dots = ".".join(binary)
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
print(f"File {output_file} creato con {len(transformed_lines)} righe")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Errore colonna {column_index}: {str(e)}")
def load_binary_file(self):
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Text files", "*.txt")])
if filename:
self.binary_filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
self.binary_file_label.config(text=f"File binario: {self.binary_filename}")
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
self.dati = [line.strip().replace('.', '') for line in file.readlines()]
preview_text = '\n'.join(self.dati[:5]) + "\n..." if self.dati else "Nessun dato valido"
self.binary_preview.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.binary_preview.insert('1.0', preview_text)
self.queue.put(("update", f"File binario caricato: {len(self.dati)} righe"))
except Exception as e:
self.queue.put(("error", f"Errore caricamento file binario: {str(e)}"))
def svuota_carrello(self):
self.carrello = [None]*7
def update_results_label(self):
result_text = "Risultati Analisi:\n"
for bit_pos, (decimal_value, n_estrazioni) in self.decimal_results.items():
result_text += f"Decimale ricostruito: {decimal_value}\n"
result_text += f"Rilevato {decimal_value} in posizione {bit_pos} con ultime {n_estrazioni} estrazioni\n"
self.results_text.insert(tk.END, result_text + "\n")
def copy_results(self):
self.root.clipboard_append(self.results_text.get("1.0", tk.END))
messagebox.showinfo("Copiato", "Contenuto copiato negli appunti")
def clear_results(self):
self.results_text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
self.decimal_text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
app = SequenzaSpiaApp(root)